Red Steel 2!

daviduk200 said:
i like it because it makes it easier,
but i dislike it because its unrealitic,
i think there should be a option between the two
or even more like halo,

where only your shield regenerates not your health
Not sure how that would work without altering the game.

Reduce the amount of damage taken and include more medi-kits.

Still, I feel that it detracted from the experience. You play as one man against a Yakuza syndicate, you shouldn't feel fine, you should feel nervous about being fired upon, even if you are a bodyguard.
Squall7 said:
A while ago, there was a job posting for a Red Steel project. Applicants must have experience programming for online, and also capable of programming RPG elements.

I'd say it's not a question of "if", but "when".

Personally, despite it's faults, I really enjoyed Red Steel. Especially the multiplayer, although there wasn't enough selection of guns, characters or levels.

And I didn't like the Halo-esk features like regenerating health and such.

I can only second that. Except that I don't know what regenerating health have to do with Halo... I thought Halo had classic Health bars? It's more CoD2-esk. I didn't dislike it, in a fire fight, you had to take cover when you're hit. And then there was always the possibility of an approaching enemy.

And yeah, I remember that job posting, too. Another thing was, that they were looking for programers that were experienced with the Unreal Engine 2.0 on which Red Steel was based.

And Red Steel 2 was listed on that European shipment list of Gamestop, even though it's nothing you should count on. (The date was set to somewhen in November [around the 12th if I remember right])
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well it is a almost definate just not an official one, but i know you said its not to count on but i doubt it will be here untill at least spring 2008 (around april)

but if you remember

Halo had the shield that when it depleted, your health bars went down, and you had to take cover untill the shield regenerated,
I kinda like sheilds and regenerate health. Its not like while you run to get your health back the other guy isnt trying to kill you. For this game it would be cool if they had metroid like controls and for sword fights they could do what they did in LOZ TP.
I must admit that I did enjoy Red Steel, but it can obviously be improved on a great deal, and I think that when Red Steel does come out that they will address most, if not all of the problems. These are things that everyoen has already mentioned, such as the sword-play (it was horrid, HORRID in my opinion), lack of multiplayer features (maps, modes, guns, bots, etc), lack of online (obviously it wasn't going to have online, but the next one will I'm sure).

With regards to the regenerating health, they could quite easily leave this as they might not see much of a problem with it. I would like to see them make it so your health isn't regenerated though and you need medical boxes, particularly in multiplayer. Or for single player they could just make the game harder, or have a hard mode (I can't remember and I can't be arsed checking, so I'll ask, but there wasn't a difficulty setting on Red Steel was there?).

TitansATB said:
I kinda like sheilds and regenerate health. Its not like while you run to get your health back the other guy isnt trying to kill you. For this game it would be cool if they had metroid like controls and for sword fights they could do what they did in LOZ TP.
Sorry but I wouldn't like that, I think it should have more functions than what Zelda had (I'd like that for the next Zelda game as well).

Oh and another thing, make it a 15/18 and have blood in it, at least on the sword fights! And let me finish off my defeated opponent by honourably beheading him, please.
cyberzomby said:
You guys think its real to be almost dead grabbing a box and be brand new?
True, but by the same token, it doesn't defy logic in the way that waiting until your health bar goes up.

At least the medical box is meant to signify medical help, rather than hiding behind a box of crates.

Best of two evils methinks.

TitansATB said:
Its not like while you run to get your health back the other guy isnt trying to kill you.
That's only when playing in multiplayer, where your opponents won't shoot at what you're hiding behind aimlessly and never thinking to check behind it.

Admittedly, in multiplayer is where it's the worst. You lose a gunfight and by the time you've respawned, your opponent is back up to full health, and with all your weapons. I mean the great thing about Goldeneye multiplayer is that if you lose in a gunfight, your opponent has to search for body armour, and if you spot them before that, then you get to enact revenge.

Lewi T said:
Oh and another thing, make it a 15/18 and have blood in it, at least on the sword fights! And let me finish off my defeated opponent by honourably beheading him, please.
I agree. Blood would enhance an already mature (by themes rather than by certification) game in a way that will be extremely positive. I mean, what person wouldn't want to actually see the blood of their enemies...

...In the game that is...

...I'll shut up now...

Hmm I got to say Squall youve got some good points.

I think that when youre playing with regen you'd have to see it like this:

the bullet merely scraped you or hit you somewhere minor so you got to take a brake and than fight again.

Both options arent really realistic. And I like what you say what happends with boxes. I think I dont care wich one. Both have its advantages and disadvantages.

+1 rep for a good discussion
cyberzomby said:
Hmm I got to say Squall youve got some good points.

I think that when youre playing with regen you'd have to see it like this:

the bullet merely scraped you or hit you somewhere minor so you got to take a brake and than fight again.

Both options arent really realistic. And I like what you say what happends with boxes. I think I dont care wich one. Both have its advantages and disadvantages.

+1 rep for a good discussion

I like to think of the fact that it's not a 1-bullet kills scenario as everyone having powered down ammo...

Except the golden gun in goldeneye. That has strange bullets which kill you even if you get shot in the hand...

...I don't think we'll ever get a realistic FPS...
Theres a battlefield 2 mod: Project reality. That tries to approach the reality side of gaming. Its pretty good 2.

But yea, thankfully games wont ever be close to real life
i guess iw ould buy it, i mean, the first wasnt a total failiour

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