Red Steel 2 Rumors

Rabid_Toaster said:
hopefully they will have swords in multiplayer, or a mode just for swordfighting :yesnod:

I was talking about this... sorry should have quoted it before.
Accurate sword motions can be programmed easily like in Wario Ware Smooth Moves, the mini game where you fight with a sword is actually mimicking your movements, so for Red Steel 2 I bet it will be like that and better..remember guys: Red Steel was one of the first games for the Wii, so don't expect perfection, programmers aren't accustomed to making this kind of games yet.
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This would be ****in' awesome... Especially since they can take their time on it rather than the rush job on the first one and also they would've learned alot from their mistakes.

This game coulld have alot of potential.

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