recording wii


WiiChat Member
Jan 13, 2010
hi, don't know where to post this but if this is the wrong section i am sorry.

I am haveing trouble rec wii footage from my dazzle, see the thing is i can rec ps3 xbox360 and other consoles all ok it's just i can't rec the wii as in pinnacle studio in the display box there is nothing there just a black screen but can hear the audio, all the wires are in the right place and go in the right place and still get nothing, do i need some sort of special cable to rec the wii or something? or is it my dazzle i have the dazzle dvd recorder dvc 100, please help.
I have a DVD Recorder. Check all settings and your Video Connections. It may also be the Disc or the player is not recording because of Copy Right Protection. My player refuses to Record the 360 Start Logo Intro because of Copy Right Protection. However it wasn't detected when using an S-Video cable.
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i have also tryed s video but still get the same result, all my settings are all ok, i really don't understand why my dazzle won't rec the wii.

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