Red Steel saved game problems?


WiiChat Member
Nov 19, 2006
Lancaster, PA, USA
In the manual it says the game is saved at every checkpoint, but twice so far it has not brought me back to the spot I saw the word Checkpoint on the left of the screen.

The first time was when I was just testing it out, I had gone through the intro and killed a few guys inside. I came back later and loaded and had to sit through the intro again!

The second time I had just gotten off the elevator and killed that guy, saw checkpoint so I exited. Came back later and I'm on the elevator again and have to re-kill the guy.

Anyone else notice this?
I noticed that when u play and die you load the last check point
but when you play and die and quit and reload the last check point is the before last one..
I haven't played the game but aren't checkpoints usually different to saves? I mean that in most games when you hit a checkpoint and quit the checkpoint wipes as it's only temporary so when you load it takes you back to the last proper save e.g. beginning of a level things like that.
Taero said:
I haven't played the game but aren't checkpoints usually different to saves? I mean that in most games when you hit a checkpoint and quit the checkpoint wipes as it's only temporary so when you load it takes you back to the last proper save e.g. beginning of a level things like that.

This is exactly what i noticed :)
it brings you back to the start of the level doesnt it? i havent gotten mine to load a checkpoint, not sure =/

does it start from the beginning of the level or a checkpoint? i keep waiting to the end of a level to quit and sometimes thats like 20+ checkpoints!!

Hi after many tests
i found that
-> When you die and continue playing the last checkpoint is where you will start. if you happen to reset the game you useally start at the begining of the level.
When i restart my wii and play red steel it always loads from the same check point
Aj421 said:
When i restart my wii and play red steel it always loads from the same check point
which? i just did a 30 checkpoint mission i would have loved to stop mid-mission to play zelda, but im afraid to have to redo rooms/sword fights.

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