Rayman, or exite truck


WiiChat Member
Nov 20, 2006
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I've heard alot of good things about rayman raving rabbits, thinking about getting is it really as good as people say it is? And how bout Exite truck. Should I pick it up?:confused: :confused:
definately rayman...it has a fun creative game...and a even better multiplayer
I would personally go for excite truck. Im a bit dissapointed actually, as the game isnt out here until next year. Then again, i doubt i would be able to afford it this year anyway. Rayman looks quite good, bit i believe it is only minigames, and i want something a bit more.... solid? complete? I dont know, but i would have excite truck if given the choice.
Ive only seen trailers for excite truck but i am going to be buying rayman becuase i think its a perfect game for what the Wii has to offer. I can just imagine the whole family playing with me. :wink:
Excite Truck is the kinda game you wait til it drops to 20 bucks to buy. Rayman is great if you have 2+ controllers. Id recommend Excite Truck if it werent so short and if it had a strong multiplayer, which it definitely doesnt.
It all depends on you. What are you more into? Fun mini games to play with your friends? Or hardcore driving with friends, in which you can play your own MP3's while playing? Do you prefer variety? Or do you prefer the same thing just on different tracks, with diffrerent trucks and stages etc.. It's really all down to who you are :)
How bout you get both of them?

Peronally, though, I'd get Excite Truck because you can basically choose the songs you want while you're playing. I played Excite Truck at a store and its really fun. I learned just about all the controls on my own without anyone's help and it's a lot of fun.
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I just bought Rayman last night, its a really fun game, I recommend you get it over Exite Truck.
I haven't heard much in the way of 'glowing' reviews of Excite Truck. I do have Rayman Raving Rabbids here and I've gotta say it's pretty fun. Yes, it's all mini-games, but they are creative and entertaining. My wife and I crack up every time we play the game. Some of it is just downright hilarious ... "Bunnies don't know what to do with cows". That and the game in my opinion is worth it just for the FPS Toilet Plunger Shoot'm up games. IF I COULD EVER FIND A STORE WITH A NUNCHUCK CONTROLLER IN STOCK, we'd do the two player mode, but no luck yet. Two remotes, one nunchuck. Sucks.
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Yah, I think I'm gonna get Excite truck. Thanks for the help!

*Edit* Nvm, I think I'm gonna get rayman first. Turns out my friend has excitetruck already, said it wasn't that good. I think I'll follow Zori's advice and wait till the price drops.
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Hmm..I suggest Rayman.As it has a better multiplayer.Plus it is so fun to play with friends or Family..

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