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Dec 15, 2006
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Wii Online Code
I'd rate it a 10000000000000000/10

Seriously guys, don't you think the ratings threads are getting just a little out of hand? I used to not care, but I'm becoming more like wiired and Gymdawg every day
um.........................spam........................dude you need to stop that, thats how i got banned!!! trust me, its better you dont because.... you will get a stern talking to by many wii-chat members!! its happend to me before.:yesnod:
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ever heard of color=white? And I am nothing like you. The mods actually know who I am. Maybe the non-stock avatar helps...... Weren't you banned?
Brawny said:
ever heard of color=white? And I am nothing like you. The mods actually know who I am. Maybe the non-stock avatar helps...... Weren't you banned?
its still spam though!!! you just did that and the white (and yes i did it before that so nyah!) plus ya said "i think it should be 10000000/10" wat up wit dat yo?:lol:

ps. what does the mods have to do with this?
I thought you were a mod, Brawny. Well, you should be.:yesnod:
Keyblader you better stop it doesn't matter if you are right he is friends with the mod that is.....wait is I say something i will get banned and have say that they were right and that my opinion was wrong.....

Yes I hate TLC

No brawny shouldn't be a mod someone who has been here for a while should be a mod some one deserve not someone who is friends with people with high up who also don't deserve their power
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Sovieto said:
i dont get it
what do wiired and gymdawg do that you are starting to do

meh, they both hate on the ratings threads....They say they are just a plea for attention whores who are happy to get any boost in self-esteem they possibly can.
Brawny said:
meh, they both hate on the ratings threads....They say they are just a plea for attention whores who are happy to get any boost in self-esteem they possibly can.
yup they are
everyone pampers everyone
i do them while they're in the lounge to boost up my post count, once they are moved to board games i stop :smilewinkgrin: gotta beat ssbb_lover, to be 2nd top poster!!
HAHAHAHAHA brawny wont get banned he like freinds with every mod here(excluding the ones that dont come online anymore)
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