Rate the person above you!! w00t!!

^^ dont worry, if you keep up your good posts, you'll up there with him and the others in no time, w00t, 4 more reps till three bars for me

and for shadow..

8/10, finally, a new member who doesnt spam or troll
I dont know you that well, but id like to, and you have some great potential..enjoy your stay here on wiichat.

Aint talked to you much, you seem pretty cool so.. 6.89/10
lee.jarratt said:
Aint talked to you much, you seem pretty cool so.. 6.89/10

8/10 because you like Lost, and you seem to not care what others think too much, which is cool stuff as well.
En4Neo 1/10 "nothing but a flamer"
Lee 6/10 "ups and downhills"
CantGetaWii 7
^^ So am I on my uphill? Only joking pal :)
7/10 , we haven't talked much but your posts are interesting to read.
Meh, you complain about sigs a lot rather than simply focusing on getting better, but you don't seem like too bad a guy so I'll give you a 1/n Sin(X).

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