Rate Red Steel

I'll give it a 9/10. After a couple of chapters I not only got very good with the controls, but I began to truly love the controls. Sword fighting is also quite fun (and sometimes presents quite a challenge).
I'd say about 8 out of 10
It's a great game, controls are iffy in the beginning but you get used to them pretty quickly. I mean sure it could have been better but heck aiming with the remote is waay more fun then with a controller even if the turning isnt perfect.
I can live with the voice acting, even if it isnt my favorite. The Cut scene's are pretty crappy as well but ah that's what makes it so fun. My friend and i just sit there laughing at the story line.
Graphics wise, well not crappy i mean not excellent either but what can you expect. Plus it's the Wii unless it's really bad who really cares. One thing i do like however is that there is allot of content in the game that you can destroy or something happens when you shoot at it. Shooting a piano even creates a little ringing noise and you can knock pans of there hinges. That and the fiery explosions are pretty well made. Oh and lol at the extinguishers that explode in a triangle shape :p.In any case i'm just happy that the venue is a little more different then what we see all the time. Sure WWII shooters arent bad but a little change is good sometimes.
Plus it's japan. Who doesnt like Japan :p. Ok well there may be a few but i'm just trying to get at the fact that you dont see this in fps games that often and i like the change.
As i'm sure you've heard from other people the music in the game is pretty darn good. It most certainly get's you in the mood for playing. What can i say it enhances game play, just like good music should.
Then there is gameplay. I have mentioned the controls and how they are pretty good. Not perfect just good. One thing i would like to mention is the sword fighting. If anything this is probably the biggest negative in the game (that and the actual story). It has the basis to become pretty good but the sword fighting doesnt resemble real sword fighting that much at all. It's pretty much flicking your remote around at random intervals. I couldnt imagine redsteel without it however it could be vastly improved upon. Perhaps that's just me though. Other then the sword play i dont have that much left to say about the gameplay. Opponents can be rather stupid at times but they do duck for covering and tend to shoot at you while you are reloading. How they can tell if they are standing behind a big wall i dont know but it does make it harder. Oh and i do like the fact that you shouldnt just run in on a room full of enemy's. You will tend to get killed quite quickly. To do well you will want to duck for cover and pick off your enemies one by one.

One thing i cant comment on this game however is the multiplayer. As i cant get a hold of another Wiimote or nunchuck at the moment i cant test it out. (My friend will hopefully be getting his Wii in a month or so though so we should be able to try it out sooner or later. I was wondering though how is the multiplayer. I have heard some very mixed responses. Some say it's really bad some say it's really good. Personally i dont mind it having a very limited selection of maps since in any fps i tend to stick with a few maps myself and only rarely do i play the other 12+ maps they have.
Other then that how is it?
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I've been hearing a lot of mixed feelings with Red Steel. Some people either really love it or absolutely hate it. I only played like 15 mins of the game and the graphics looks shitty IMO. Gameplay is frustrating at first but I can see it being fun once you get used to it.