Rare ware on virtual console

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ninty luva
Apr 5, 2007
Isle of Man
Any N64 luvers wud no of games like diddy kong racing , perfectdark and hoo wud 4get goldeneye... well apparently rare wont make any virtual console games 4 ninty.. i think dis is sh** and hope nintendo will make sum sort of a deal wid rare

wot r ur veiws on this:thumbsup:
I think you should go back to the first grade and learn some proper grammar. Oh yeah, this has been posted thousands of time, so why don't you search and/or put this in the right forum.
Yeh as much as I would love Rare to put out their games on VC(for Killer Instinct the most) it will probably never happen.
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wtf my grammer? its called shorthand ( or type ) and im new to the forum and so ont no wots bin sed!!!!!! spiderking dont b a noob:prrr:
jizzyd said:
wtf my grammer? its called shorthand ( or type ) and im new to the forum and so ont no wots bin sed!!!!!! spiderking dont b a noob:prrr:

I've been using the Internet, BBS systems, administering networks and building computers/writing software for what I venture to guess would be longer then most people here. Longer then some of them have been alive, in some cases.

I couldn't understand what the heck you said, either. 'Noob.'

Communicating to the lowest common denominator does not make you 'l33t,' or whatever it is the kids say/type nowadays. Try clear communication.
jizzyd said:
wtf my grammer? its called shorthand ( or type ) and im new to the forum and so ont no wots bin sed!!!!!! spiderking dont b a noob:prrr:

My friend, it's spelled grammar

Is this really the kind of people the british isles is producing now?? I really do despair. I would hazard a guess you think grammar is some sort of reference to an old lady.
Spiderking13 said:
I think you should go back to the first grade and learn some proper grammar. Oh yeah, this has been posted thousands of time, so why don't you search and/or put this in the right forum.

Have you looked at your own sig. at the bottom grammar policeman... so worth it it<---- yeah enough said... H:nonod:

well maybe not.... go back to grade one and learn some proper grammar lizzyd... hahaha... thats funny stuff right there i don't care who you are...
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