Radio one's top ten best games ever


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
Radio one has just had a "Games" weekend. I didnt hear any of it as the stuff they play on there hurts my ears and the DJ's have verbal diarrhea(to much talking about nothing). But from what I have been told they played all the classic games tunes.......................from Guitar Hero
Kinda makes a change tho but not worth listening to.

They had asked some people what there all time fav game was and the following where chosen.

You dont want to know
Its not what you think it is
You really want to know dont you?
Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Football Manager 2009

Final Fantasy VII

World of Warcraft

Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

GoldenEye 64

Metal Gear Solid

Halo III


Grand Theft Auto IV

11 - 20

11. The Sims 2
12. Half Life II
13. Mario Kart
14. Counter-Strike
15. Fallout III
16. Deus Ex
17. Worms
18. Pokemon Red and Blue
19. Sensible World of Soccer
20. GTA Vice City

21 - 30
21. Half Life
22. Gears of War
23. Command & Conquer
24. BioShock
25. Halo: Combat Evolved
26. Sonic the Hedgehog
27. Championship Manager
28. Super Mario Kart
29. Resident Evil 4
30. Age of Empires II

31 - 40

31. Elite
32. Mario Kart 64
33. Sonic the Hedgehog 2
34. Street Fighter II
35. Super Mario 64
36. Tetris
37. Shenmue
38. Super Mario Galaxy
39. Halo
40. Super Mario World

41 - 50
41. Pro Evolution 2009
42. Left 4 Dead
43. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
44. Gran Turismo 4
45. StarCraft
46. Super Mario Bros
48. Doom
49. SingStar
50. Day of the Tentacle
Via here
Got to love the fact that theres two Halo's in there.
Did Call of Duty 4 came first.
That game does my head in, I'm like one of a few people that doesn't like that game.
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That picture of Rena in Ciscada's avatar pretty much sums up what I think about this list.
I think this will sum most of it up

I concur with what everyone else says. Total crap.

Though I have to say, haven't listened to Radio 1 in years. When I do listen to it in the mornings, it's usually Radio 2. Though Sarah Kennedy does get on my nerves...
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I concur with what everyone else says. Total crap.

Though I have to say, haven't listened to Radio 1 in years. When I do listen to it in the mornings, it's usually Radio 2. Though Sarah Kennedy does get on my nerves...
Worry not.
Next years number one "BEZT E4 GAEM" will be COD 5
Radio 2 listener here as well
Well only the Radclift and Maccony show (SP on there names)