R4DS Guide by me


Gran Turismo
Jan 3, 2007
Wii Online Code
1. the firmware:
The firmware files are what are needed by the M3 to work, these are what come on the CD, but chances are they are out dated, so throw the CD away and download the latest firmware files from http://www.handheldsources.com/M3DS/Download_M3DSS.html Once downloaded you should extract the folders "_system_" and "moonshl" along with the files "_DS_MENU.DAT" and"_DS_MSHL.DAT" to the root of the microSD card.

well thats it basically your m3/r4 is now ready to use!

NOW i will tell you how to extract games etc.

(before continuing make sure you have WINrar installed on the computer,tis is very important!)

2. getting games!
this website is in spanish so i have made a username for all my friends and family to use
username: wii_BrEnDo2007 password: Nintendo
even though this is in spanish you should be able to guess where you type this in
its the two blank spaces provided on the websites toolbar

3.downloading: now you have a search bar at the side to type in what game you want............after this the games boxart will appear and there will be a selection of options: Emule, Torrent,floppy disc,Megaupload, and another. The easiest way of downloading games in by clicking Megaupload(the ballon pic is a small M) by clicking on this another window should open,providing this happens MEGAUPLOAD will open it will ask you to type in digits/letters (im sure you know what this is for brian!) anyway after this the window will update and a timer will be on the bottom of the screen when this reaches zero you can start downloading

(p.s on the home page of espalnds there are a selection of new games,a game wich just came out will be automatically updated to their database so no worries,also something you may wish to note is that the ds is not reigon locked so you can download any game from any reigon)


open the winrar database and just drag the .nds file into your sd card and hey presto you are finished!

enjoy the m3/r4

Gamespot guide posted by: brendan rorrison-2008

any problems contact me at: br_man_05@yahoo.co.uk

have fun with your R4
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Cool, hey one question where did you get your R4DS, because im thinking about getting one of those (DS Xtreme, Cyclo, R4DS) from modchipstore.com, but well i went on the forums for DS Xtreme and they say they havent gotten their order and they ordered it from like september.
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i got mines from gadgetasia.com

they are fast and reliable
balrogs.pa said:
Hey a few questions man, Does R4DS come with the SD Card and the SD Card Adapter(if thats what its called), can it play many emulators, How much does it cost (in american currency?) and lastly Can it play all the apps on this page http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=70463

It normally comes without a MICRO SD card .. .. .. and they generally speaking only read up to 2GB and standard speed.

Yes the R4 can use emulators. And homebrew.

In the UK they range from about £30 to £40 so probably about $30 to $40.

I didn't click on the link .. .. .. so I can't answer your last question.
lol pounds and dollars are completely different in price value. They'll set you back about $80 and should come with a memory card.
Brainiac i learned that the hard way. . .

"Son thats pounds. . ."
"Yes, so in american dollars that would be, 20 or something right?!"
" No. . . that would be about 79.94"
Do NOT link to roms, sites, or anything where a person can find roms of any sorts.

If you really want to find them, then we have a friend with a name starting with G. You know the drill.

I'll have to ask you to remove the link to the site.

Flashcart talk, is allowed though.
Just never link to roms.
This guide kind of sucks. There are much easier ways of doing things. Just search google for answers. Sorry man but there are a lot more easier and more user friendly sites and whatnot to get things.
balrogs.pa said:
Hey a few questions man, Does R4DS come with the SD Card and the SD Card Adapter(if thats what its called), can it play many emulators, How much does it cost (in american currency?) and lastly Can it play all the apps on this page http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=70463

You can find them for $40 - $50 with 2gb micro sd card and reader You can hold around 25 games or so on a 1 gb card. Roms are easy to find if you do your research. The do all sorts or things, like play music, videos, home brew games and emulators, you should have no problem playing those apps on the link you posted.

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