Beginners Guide To PhotoShop


That Canucks Fan
Dec 27, 2006
Wii Online Code
I've had this idea for awhile now and thought that I would go ahead and make this thread seeing as recently we have had some new graphics artists join our forum.

Beginners Guide To Photoshop - Tutorial (Highly Recommended)

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Wiichat Resources & Tutorials - For All Your Signature Needs

What does this thread include?

- Links to the popular graphics threads here at Wiichat

Wiichat Graphics Library - Click -

Basic Terminology

Rectangular Marquee Tool (M): It is used for making selection on the image (objects) on any active layer.
Magic Wand Tool (W): Used for making selection (similar colors at once for example)
Polygonal Lasso Tool (L): Used for making free selection as you go
Slice Select Tool (K): Used for selecting slices
Crop Tool (C): Used for cropping images
Patch Tool (J): Used for correcting images
Brush Tool (B): Used for drawing freehand
History Brush Tool (Y): Used for restoring specified history state
Clone Stamp Tool (S): Used for selecting a source and copying (drawing) it in another place
Gradient Tool (G): Used for making gradient effect on images
Eraser Tool (E): You are right, this tool is used for erasing
Dodge Tool (O): Used for making images lighter (And Burn tool makes the opposite - darker)
Horizontal Type Tool (T): Yes used for inserting text to image
Path Selection Tool (A): Used for selecting the active path
Custom Shape Tool (U): Used to insert pre-specified (ready) shapes to image
Pen Tool (P): Used for creating vector shapes
Eyedropper Tool (I): Used for selecting color
Notes Tool (N): Used for inserting notes on the image
Zoom Tool (Z): Yes used for zooming in or out
Hand Tool (H): Used for dragging image when you are in the zoom in state

Adding Fonts To Photoshop

Once you have downloaded a font open it up and if necessary extract the file by clicking extract file. Once you have done that go to C:\WINDOWS\Fonts and then drag the font you just downloaded and or extracted into there. Once you have done that it should now show up in Photoshop.

Downloading & Adding Brushes To Photoshop

Where Can I Download Brushes? If you wish to download brushes to photoshop I would suggest on going to and search for the specific brush you want. Be it grunge, abstract or vector.

I Found A Brush I Like, Now What? Once you have found a brush you like click on "download". Once you have downloaded the brush open up photoshop and click on brushes (Top Right). After that click on the small arrow and then scroll down and click on "Load Brushes". Open up the brush you downloaded and click ok.

Another way of installing brushes:

To install brushes to photoshop
Download them from
Copy the file
Go to C: Drive>Program Files>Adobe>Adobe Photoshop Cs2>Presets>Brushes
Paste them
When in Photoshop select the brush tool and go to load brushes.It should be under where you just pasted them.Click append and you have your brushes downloaded


What is a render: A render is an image many signature artists use in their signature. A render is usually a image that has been previously cut out. By having the image cut out beforehand the artist doesn't have to worry about cutting out the background.

Where can I find find render?

Fortunately there are many sites which offer renders for users to save and or download. One of the sites being Please note that it is suggested you sign up on Planet Renders to view full renders and save them without having to worry about a black background.

Other sites which offer renders: (?)
- More to come..

What Are C4D's?

C4D = Cinema 4D

C4D's are images many signatures artists use in their signature to make it more appealing and or interesting.

Where Can I Find C4D's? If you are looking to save and or download some C4D images I would suggest on going to or Another option would be to search "C4D Render" on

I will be adding more later..

Hope this helps..

Note: If you would like me to add and or fix anything please let me know.
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Will do. I'll probably have this thread added into the Wiichats Graphics Library as well if others find it useful.
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  • #5
Thanks for the feedback guys :)

If you guys want me to add anything just let me know.
I am thinking of doing a GIMP one, would people like it?

Since GIMP is less known I think it will be good to show it to a few people:)
Cpt.McCloud said:
I am thinking of doing a GIMP one, would people like it?

Since GIMP is less known I think it will be good to show it to a few people:)
Go for it. Another tutorial will benefit all GIMP users. :)
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  • #11
Great Job Syntax, it will help many people
Sticky it or put it on the Wiichat GFX Library.

I'll try and have that done by today.

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