Quote unquote

Sorry mine was too hard it was "Bec"

Stranger: I really don't know is it red vs blue

Wii_Smurf: Swing, Swing - All American Rejects

"Yeah you better clean this damn mess up before my dad gets home and beats me with a toaster"
we don't say what movie it is we say what first comes in to mind then another movie quote. . .
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no, a book, game, movie or tv quote. even a toon, really like, "want pie now"
compodude said:
no, a book, game, movie or tv quote. even a toon, really like, "want pie now"

Weebl & Bob!!!

"I think that gay marriage should be between a man and a woman."
+Maniacal=Maniac+ said:
Weebl & Bob!!!

"I think that gay marriage should be between a man and a woman."

The eurovision?:lol:

'Would you like something to suck on for the landing sir?'
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you dont have to quote people. if you want someone to know who your answering. just say their name.
+Maniacal=Maniac+ said:
Weebl & Bob!!!

"I think that gay marriage should be between a man and a woman."

Aronld Shwartzenegger (I'm sure that's spelled wrong)

"I wish my grass was emo so it would cut itself."
SenorLopez said:
Aronld Shwartzenegger (I'm sure that's spelled wrong)

"I wish my grass was emo so it would cut itself."


"Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life."

Brooke Sheilds.

"I would not live forever, because we should not live forever, because if we were supposed to live forever, then we would live forever, but we cannot live forever, which is why I would not live forever."
New york (dont ask)

"I just be walking down the street and sum dude would go 'Hey you see that guy? Home boy F***ed a marcian once'"

PS: lol i am wiichats biggest metal head!
so did george. . .:lol:

Since mine got ignored a few posts up il repeat:

'Would you like something to suck on for the landing sir?' (send a gayish voice:lol:)

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