Quite experienced, But new to WII Chat...


WiiChat Member
Jan 3, 2012
Wii Online Code
hello all, i have played on the wii console since christmas 09'. I am 14 years old and also LOVE minecraft. Currently i am on the internet channel alot (im posting off my wii). At this moment in time i am ordering a SD card off the net and i am going to do multiple modifications to my WII (homebrew, DVD-R player and play coppied games etc) well i hope this short post give you a glimse of my personality.-petercraigP.S Want to know more? Just PM me :)add my facebook peter craig
Welcome to Wiichat, Peter. =) Keep the talk on Wii mods quiet, though; discussion of such is banned. If you were lookin' to join specifically for hacks and mods, you'll have to go elsewhere for that.

Rules aside, I can ditto the love for Minecraft; if my PC wasn't such utter crap, I'd be able to enjoy it even more (it's too pathetic to run singleplayer Minecraft smoothly, none the less multiplayer...). The 360 is getting Minecraft, so maybe we'll get it on the Wii...

That'd be pretty awesome with the Wiimote and Nunchuck, actually. It'd work just like a mouse with the pointer. Not that I'd want motion controls, though. :lol:

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