Question Pokemon battle revolution


WiiChat Member
May 12, 2007

I got a question regarding Pokemon Battle Revolution.

If you dont have a DS with the Pokemon game, can you still play this game and get some pokemons ? Or do you really have to have a ds with the pokemon game to have pokemons in this game fighting for you ?

If it's anything like Stadium, you'll want a DS. I never played the GameCube one but when I got Stadium, I bought a GameBoy Color the same day (I already had Pokemon Yellow, just hadn't gotten the system yet) and jumped right into Stadium when I got home. After a little while I realized it's a lot more fun if you use your own Pokemon. So you can play without but it's much more fun AND easier with your own trained Pokemon.
Side note... IF you don't own a DS, go buy one. I just got mine about a month ago and I've barely played anything on the Wii since. I'm addicted to DS and I keep buying more games even though I never stop playing the games I ALREADY have.
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Sorry double post.
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How is the concept of getting Pokemon then if u dont have a DS ? I never played Stadium or the Gamecube ones.
From what I remember... they give you some kinda low default types. Somebody might have to back me up on that. I actually kinda feel like pulling out my N64 today so maybe I'll go back to that one and I'll let you know. I'm pretty sure that's how it is, though. I just remember being able to get through the first quarter or so of the game with the random ones they gave me but then I started feeling like I needed more choices and higher levels.
Not to beat a dead horse... but yeah if you go to Wikipedia and look up Pokemon Stadium, I'm willing to bet it'd tell you anything you're wondering. Ditto for Battle Revolution.
Pokemons made me laugh cause i have never seen it before. its Pokemon plural or not it stays Pokemon although i don care how you write it but it jus made me laugh
SuppaRoy said:
Pokemons made me laugh cause i have never seen it before. its Pokemon plural or not it stays Pokemon although i don care how you write it but it jus made me laugh

:lol: i guess its kind of like deer :| look at those two deer's' walking by? that must be it, but i was never much of a pokemon(s) fan. (i liked it on the handhelds but not on the console)

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