Question About WII Music

Some parents are so funny. Do non-gaming parents EVER try to find out if a game is crappy BEFORE they buy it? Wii Music... what a joke. Go ahead and buy some Hannah Montana games while your at it (you probably already have) since obviously your interests lie in the worst games the system has to offer.

And no, of course peripherals from competitors, such as Guitar Hero guitars do not work on Wii Music. And wii remotes don't work for Guitar Hero, in case you were wondering. And x-box contollers can't control your Wii games, in case you thought that was also a possibility.

Stop being such a punk. If you have any drop of creativity in your head you can enjoy Wii Music. Have some respect the person was just asking a simple question.

If your reading comprehension is that bad, then I'll spell it out - I was only posting that half-seriously.

But hey, if you are happy rocking out to midi renditions of "Happy Birthday", "Oh My Darling, Clementine" and "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", then go for it...

Oh and don't forget that all time classic "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" by Wham! - surely one never to be forgotten...

Although they are both aimed at very different markets, many people would enjoy both games, but I have to question WHY they didn't use proper music tracks for a game called Wii music (why use midi tunes?!).

Half Serious?? What's that suppose to mean?

Am I suppose to be too cool to rock out to "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star?" Folk and other songs are remembered for hundreds of years for good reason.
Beethoven's Fur Elise is world renown as one of the greatest songs of all time. No amount of [Deleted] can change that(not a diss).

I agree with your last statement but that wasn't part of my argument.

EDIT: I removed the modern artists names. I appreciate all artist and original composers/musicians should not be critisized. I'm sorry. *runs to remix some Wii Music*
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