Question about VC plz answer sum1!!!!!!!!


WiiChat Member
Jun 6, 2007
I live out in the country and have a very bad internet connection. If I go to my friends house in town and hook up my wii to his internet connection and get games off the VC like that, do I have to have a internet connection to play the games i bought or can i come back to my house and play them without an internet connection? What kind of cable connectors do i ahve to have in order to get online and buy VC games? Someone reply fast!!!!
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  • #3
thx wiired also wat wires do u have to get to connect the wii to the computer? do u have to have a usb cable or what?
xxwii_manxx said:
thx wiired also wat wires do u have to get to connect the wii to the computer? do u have to have a usb cable or what?
You don't connect the Wii to the computer. The Wii IS a small computer and (usually) connects directly to the internet.
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  • #6
so do u have to have ur computer on? or do u use a satellite signal?
xxwii_manxx said:
so do u have to have ur computer on? or do u use a satellite signal?
If you Wii connects directly to the internet then no your computer doesnt have to be turned on. A satellite internet connection could work if you pay for one but I don't think that is what you are asking.
if you have a wireless router the wii will connect to it. You need to enter the correct setting to do so. Check that link about to figure it out all the info you need is there.
xxwii_manxx said:
thx wiired also wat wires do u have to get to connect the wii to the computer? do u have to have a usb cable or what?
Doesn't it take more work to talk like a total idiot than use actual words?
xxwii_manxx said:
thx wiired also wat wires do u have to get to connect the wii to the computer? do u have to have a usb cable or what?

That's all covered in the Wii manual.
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  • #11
yeah lol after i posted the question i looked and i found out wat i wanted to know thx lol im just lazy and didnt want to look in the manual i wanted sum otehr ppl to do the work for me but i fnally looked in the manual so thx all u guys that replied but CROWTROBOT dont ever reply again.
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Someone tell how can u tell if ur internet is wired or wireless? my friend has dsl but he can get either one but he go dsl so would that be wired? or wireless?
it all depends on the router you have. dsl can be wireless or not. either way you can just buy a wireless router (check pc world or even ebay) for bout £50 and then u can have a wireless connection. Even if you dont have a wireless connection you can still got ur wii online by buying a usb connector that plugs in and then can connect a phoneline to it.

Hope that helps, sorry it is a little rushed!!

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