Question about UK registration


WiiChat Member
Dec 21, 2006
finally decided i should registrer my wii for warranty purposes etc.

so i went to, signed up and registered the codes on the vip slips what came with the wii, wii sports, and wii play.

gained a few points for that.

anyway i cant find anywhere where i register the product by serial number.

googling i found

thought ah thats what i want, (i remember reading about the extra 90 days)

but this site only covers northern america, being in the UK this is no help.

does registering by the vip site (and gaining stars etc) mean my product is registered or is there somewhere for a uk user to register via serial number?

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ToadIsDoingMagicMushrooms said:
Not many ppl are gonna read a thread titled stupid question.

Edit the first post to change the title.

You are lucky.
Here in New Zealand we cannot even register the games or the console.
So there is no other way to get wii points other than spending cash :(

Come on Nintendo - support the rest of the world outside USA.

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