Q about getting online


WiiChat Member
Aug 20, 2010
Hong Kong
I was given a Japanese Wii as a present (I am English and do not read Japanese). I know the Wii system so can operate it without trouble and play all the games I have, but when I try to get connected to the internet and go online I get the following problem: I click the Wii button and then Wii Settings, but this message appears:

"You tried to access the address marc:JP/JP/JPN/index01.html, which is currently unavailable. Please make sure that the web address(URL) is correctly spelled and punctuated, then try reloading the page.
make sure your internet connection is active and check whether other applications that rely on the same connection are working.
Need Help? Go to Opera Help" (a hyperlink but does not work)

So this Wii has been used once by "marc" (before it was given to me) and now it won't let me access my own wireless connection.

What do I do? Can I reboot the Wii somehow to clear this "marc:JP/..." web address and set up the Wii for my own use?

Sounds like a modded Wii was upgraded with a system upgrade from a region different than the hardware. Oops.
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Thanks for the reply - afraid I don't know anything about this or understand what you said - I just want to play the games - whatever has been done to this Wii, is it repairable so I can play it online with other people?


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