puppy names

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  • #62
FR. said:
I've always liked the name 'Fritz' so that could be an option. I'm also liking your first choice, 'Miko.' Also, you puppy is very cute, hope you have many happy and healthy years with your puppy.

thanks man... nut i have had it for a day and its original name "max" is reeeaally annoying... too generic. Somene also said instead of Miko, to call it Niko.... im not sure though.
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  • #63
well. hes been named. we were lookin at his color and my friend said "hes a weird copper color." so it just clicked and now hes copper. plus copper is the name of a dog in "the fox and the hound" a moviue i watched everyday till i was 4
Dbomb3 said:
well. hes been named. we were lookin at his color and my friend said "hes a weird copper color." so it just clicked and now hes copper. plus copper is the name of a dog in "the fox and the hound" a moviue i watched everyday till i was 4
Oh good choice! thats a good name! :yesnod:
Great name, but I DO hate The Fox and the Hound... That grandmother is the most annoying person on the planet.
Dbomb3 said:
im thinkin miko.
when i was little we had a husky named miko becuase it reminded me of the racoon on pocahontas... :yesnod:

she was the nicest dog, SHE NEVER BARKED, but would (howl at night sometimes), but everyone was so scared because she looked like a wolf, steel blue eyes, and rather large... (i bet 70 lbs?)

i can't remember if she barked as a puppy...
the only negative thing was a couple times a year she killed a small animal like rabbits, chickens, groudhogs and other things...
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  • #71
i liked miko more then copper, but my siblings and sich liked copper...
Brawny said:
Great name, but I DO hate The Fox and the Hound... That grandmother is the most annoying person on the planet.

Because you're a hunter, and I despise hunting. ;)

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