PSN BACK ONLINE = FREE GIFTS FOR PS3 | Tokyo Press Conference

hybrid -x1

~graceful assassin~
Sep 14, 2010
Shooting Star Suimmit
Wii Online Code
Alright folks for those who didn't know [and maybe couldn't watch] that yesterday/today their was a conference regarding when psn will be back up online and compensation here is a summary of the conference.


Now I am happy that Sony isn't just compensating the + members but everyone and apparently every member is gonna get 1 month free of psn + as well as some sort of free download from the ps store.

Anyway watch the video give your thoughts.
All in all I am just happy to know that Sony CARES about its customers T___T
Now I am happy that Sony isn't just compensating the + members but everyone and apparently every member is gonna get 1 month free of psn + as well as some sort of free download from the ps store.​

I have a question, anyone know if ALL PSN users will have this ''welcome back package'' ? or just those who have spent money on PSN? I have a PSN account I play a lot online and have downloaded demos BUT I have never bought anything from PSN and have never used my credit or debit card with PSN, am I also getting this 30day free PS+ ?
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Everybody will be rewarded when psn resumes with free downloads and a 1month free of PS+ membership

also don't count on psn being up soon because apparently its gonna be down until may 31st according to the ps blog WTF THIS IS BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!
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It's dark times like these that makes me glad I have a Wii.

yeah i know how you feel about that. Im just glad i have my wii up and running!

if i didn't have it over psn being down i'd go mad lol
and i for damn sure will not buy a faulty console aka the xbox360

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