PS3 slim review

I went with a friend of mine who just bought one yesterday.
The ps3 slim doesn't have any backwards capability. It is better to stick with the old ps3, much better in other terms.
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The launch 3s are the only ones with backwards capabilities. Good luck finding one now.
Your opinion of the company shouldn't effect the product itself...
Actually Foxy, it should IMO. If you have had bad experiences with a product (me with Activision), then why get the product when that company has always let you down in the past?
But then you're basing your purchase on who made it not the product itself. An example is me with Activision. I don't like them simply, the whole DJ and Brutal shenanigans however some of their games are good. Modern Warfare 2 looks great however in the uk it's costing £45 instead of £30-39, Activision are charging high because they know the game will sell so they'll charge what they want. I'm not buying MW2 unless it's pre-owned or had a price drop. This isn't because of what I think of activision, this is because of the product itself and its pricing.

Totally pointless story but there you go. But what he is basically saying is that he wouldn't even consider a product because it's by Sony, I bet if Activision brought out a great game you'd be interested. There's a 70% chance he owns something by Sony anyway.
well i like some games 4 sony
i was watchin tv and they were showin teasers 4 a game (i 4got the name)
but it looks really good
its a mystery shooter like game
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The launch 3s are the only ones with backwards capabilities. Good luck finding one now.
I'd rather have a PS2 as well
Your opinion of the company shouldn't effect the product itself...
The only company I hate is the modern EA
Why is it DPrinny instead of DarkPrinny now Prinny?

But I liked the PS2 until they quit coming out with good games for it. That was a bummer.