PS3 News - Achievements, Resistance 2


WiiChat Member
Feb 13, 2007
London, England
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Nothing to do, so I thought I'd post some exciting news!

Here we go:
In a recent interview with Eric Lempel (PSN Boss) there was information about PS3 achievements:

I know that an achievement system is very important to our consumers. With Home, and in addition to Home, we have some very exciting programs planned to recognize our consumers gaming skills and loyalty in new ways that go well beyond a single score.

Sounds cool... Something to do with the achievements you get... Maybe use them as some sort of points, I unno. Maybe buying stuffs for HOME with it?! Hope so.


Now for Resistance 2:

• One campaign focusing on Nathan Hale across USA
• One separate story based campaign supporting 2 players offline, 8 players Online
• Online Multiplayer (dedicated servers) supporting 60 people, lobbies for individual squads
• Classes for online, templates include Heavy, Special Ops, Medic
• Mobile phone quality headset voice transfer
• Partial randomized geometry in level spots
• Boss fights in FPS gaming finally done right
• New vehicles including Chameleon (Stalker with cloak)
• Insane stat tracking & community features coupled with

There's some stuff which will be included in the game, coming out Fall 2008.

8-Player co-op... I like the sound of that. Looks like it's going to be a pretty amazing game :)

The link isn't really loading properly for me... but that's where the information is :)
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Free online w/acheivments?

And, the 60man online would be amazing.
I just read this then noticed you had posted it! I do hope these achievements can be some sort of points to buy things for Home though, because although Home looks awesome, I don't know how willing I would be to buy things for my virtual flat, like a chair : / I wonder how much the various items will be anyway.
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Yea, I don't really want to spend money on virtual stuff, but I do want the virtual stuff... So if you can buy them with like... achievement points I'll be very happy!
Celestial said:
Yea, I don't really want to spend money on virtual stuff, but I do want the virtual stuff... So if you can buy them with like... achievement points I'll be very happy!
I completely agree with you on that point. :lol:
Anyway, thanks for the info. :)
guys, i know youve all seen the Home video on youtube. take a closer look at it, remember the trophy room? yeah... id bet you all 20 bucks each that is what hes referring to. wich is pretty lame if you ask me. i want gamerpoints on my PS3, too many times i go to get a game for PS3 but end up getting it on 360 for the achievements.

but who knows, maybe they will do a good job with this system.

god i cant wait for home, when the hell does it come out!? lol

as for resistance 2.. i had a hard time getting into resistance: fom to be honest. the multiplayer is good but it's not all there for me. id rather be on cod4 or halo 3 or even rock band. but resistance 2 sounds like it's going to have better multi-player than halo 3. im not a huge fan of halo 3, but you have to admit the multi-player is pretty awesome, almost perfect (only thing that saved the game from a mediocre score IMO)
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I just hope it's not a direct copy of the achievements system on the 360. I'd like to see a more complete or advanced version of achievments, hopefully we'll see this.

Resistance is an awesome game, imo. I enjoy a game that involves pin-point reflexes and has a good engine. Graphics and online could have been improved, but it looks like they will be on the sequel.
I used to hate sequels because I always wanted the whole expierience so I wanted the first one too but now I love them because now I won't have to get Resistance: Fall of Man and what ever happened to Resistance: Rise of Man maybe Resistance 2 is just a tentative title

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