PS3 Hits 10.5 Million Sold

I really think the recent events in the HDM market - which pretty much only left BD standing - will have major impact on PS3 sales. There's a thread on another forum with a huge number of people - myself included - talking about picking up a BD player now, specifically the PS3 (which is the "best" and definitely most flexible player on the market).
Sovieto the best selling games on the Wii and PS3 came with the consoles. Motorstorm did not come with all PS3 consoles, but certain versions were bundled with the game. That goes for Forza Motorsport for the 360. Wiisports did not come with all Wii consoles. You have to buy it seperate in Japan.

Whether it came with the console, was shot from a cannon at people's houses, or not doesn't matter. It's a game that has units sold. It doesn't matter how they got sold.
Wii Sports sold a little less than 2 million in japan, it still doesn't make much of a difference...

Though Motorstorm isnt as bad as Wii Sports because like you said it only came with certain bundles.
sagema said:
Sovieto the best selling games on the Wii and PS3 came with the consoles. Motorstorm did not come with all PS3 consoles, but certain versions were bundled with the game. That goes for Forza Motorsport for the 360. Wiisports did not come with all Wii consoles. You have to buy it seperate in Japan.

Whether it came with the console, was shot from a cannon at people's houses, or not doesn't matter. It's a game that has units sold. It doesn't matter how they got sold.
japan makes up for probably the smallest market share, and as said it sold a little under 2 million in japan, which is fantastic, but no uber feat. wii sports was packed in from th ebeginning unlike forza or motorsport. im just saying a fair result would be the "next" best selling wii game (which sadly is probably wii play, so maybe the third best?)
hhaha wiiplay counting it as best sold..your an idiot..sold less then 2 million..bundled doesnt count sorry...ps3 is ALREADY outselling the 260 for january and most likely february as well....360's hardware killed them..sorry im on my 5th 360 =(..and MS is not going to release a new console in 2010 i gaurantee it...if im wrong you can come to my house and **** my hot ass girlfriend..
ls1foxbody said:
hhaha wiiplay counting it as best sold..your an idiot..sold less then 2 million..bundled doesnt count sorry...ps3 is ALREADY outselling the 260 for january and most likely february as well....360's hardware killed them..sorry im on my 5th 360 =(..and MS is not going to release a new console in 2010 i gaurantee it...if im wrong you can come to my house and **** my hot ass girlfriend..
wtf? make a better post and i'll actually bother replying to it all. but i just saw and i was right, wiiplay is the "second" top sold game.
I agree with Sovieto. A few more years in English class can help, ls1foxbody a lot. Wii Play sold over 10 million units. Dunce cap for you, ls1foxbody. Now sit in the corner.
360 would be #1 if they get rid of the Red Ring of Death and that is the 360 weakness. I know many people that wanted the 360 but have chosen either the PS3 or Wii for console stability and to avoid to be troubleshooting the console (360) every time. It is a pity, 360 could be the greatest console, but Microsoft failed to deliver a high quality product.

Even the Elite (with Falcon motherboards are failing).

My prediction is that Nintendo will lead the way 2008 and 2009 maybe and PS3 will be very close in 2nd place or will catch it at the end of the road (2010->2011), and the 360 will finish 3rd. But this is my opinion

Nintendo and Sony will be the big winners
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Hell even I have thought about trading my 360 in for a 2nd PS3. But then I thought about the 360 games and it changed my mind. 360 has tooo many great games I cannot give up.

Yes the Elite with falcon still fail, but apparently the failure rate has been cut in half, still... too much.

I have found videos fow "how to's" to fix 360 failures. But those are for after my warranty expires. It tells you how to fix the heatsink problem where something melts on the motherboard and the disc drive error which has to do with a magnetic piece falling off (my current problem).
ls1foxbody said:
hhaha wiiplay counting it as best sold..your an idiot..sold less then 2 million..bundled doesnt count sorry...ps3 is ALREADY outselling the 260 for january and most likely february as well....360's hardware killed them..sorry im on my 5th 360 =(..and MS is not going to release a new console in 2010 i gaurantee it...if im wrong you can come to my house and **** my hot ass girlfriend..


Oh no...its 28 Days Later all over again...

Oh, and by the way, im pretty sure your sister doesn't count as your girlfriend.
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Im actually not even sure anymore since Gears 2 was announced. The first one sold 4.5 million when there were only like 11 million 360's sold. Halo:CE sold 5 million in its lifetime, Halo 2 sold 8 million, Halo 3 sold 8.1 million. Now that Halo is finished (atleast as far as we know), Gears will take over as the Xbox franchise and its very possible Gears 2 sells 8 million also, or atleast close to it. With that, its sure to sell more consoles and you know MS is going to push Gears as much as they did Halo 3.
microsoft is reliying on one franchise. sony has many fall backs.

Fina Fantasy 13

those are the big ones

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