PS3 Hits 10.5 Million Sold

Mass Effect 2 (Yes its still confirmed to be released as a trilogy on 360)
Too Human (Also confirmed recently at GDC as trilogy on 360)
Ninja Gaiden II (Not really a franchise, but its a anticipated exclusive)
Fable 2
Left 4 Dead (for 360 and PC)

As you can see Mass Effect 2/3 Too Human 1/2/3, thats 5 games alone.

MGS4 is the last of the franchise
GTA4 is mutliplatform and if history tells us anything the 360 will sell more then the PS3 just like CoD4
FF13 sure to be great, but also 1 title

Now im not denying PS3 will sell alot, but after recent announcements and crap, I withdraw my prediction and I think 360 will keep doing fine.
It's going to come down to price drops. So far all three are staying right where they are. I want to see which one makes a price drop. The average consumer is still buying freaking PS2's. Imagine how many PS3's could have sold if they removed the PS2. I know I'm part of that PS2 crowd. I bought 3 PS2 games last year.

Final Fantasy 12, SoC, Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter, and I'm buying Persona 3 director's cut for $30 in April.
Monthly Average Sales:
compiled by me.

XBox 360: Launched US Nov 2005. Sold 17mill. ave/month 629,630
Wii: Launched US Nov 2006. Sold 22mill. ave/month 1,466,667
PS3: Launched US Nov 2006. Sold 10.5mill ave/month 700,000

Now you can see why PS3 is given a chance at beating 360...if it can outsell 360 by more than 70,000 units/month for long enough it will mean PS3 should overtake 360 in the not too distant future. As for Wii, yer well, the figures speak for themselves...
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But software sales are low, even lower than the Wii's sales. This means alot of those PS3 buyers are people who use it for blu-ray/music instead of gaming. Especially since PS3 is the cheapest blu-ray player.
Well this year will be an interesting one for sure then.
This year, like it has been said numerous times already will no doubt decide the battle.

And for the most part all three consoles have some big guns ready for this year.
ps3 has sold a much more faster rate then xbox 360, it reached 10 million faster.........doing so with a much smaller library of games then 360, that only tells us one thing, IT WILL OUT SELL IT
It barely sold faster and the 360 didn't have many games either its first year. The best game they had was Call of Duty 2 up until the end of the 2006 year they got Gears.
I agree. The 360 had a much better year in game sales. To date Gears of War sold 5 million units, where Resistance sold 2.4 million units. Games like Lost Planet outsold Ratchet and Clank. These are all first year games. Sony is lagging behind XBL and Wiiware. The massive advantage here is both Microsoft and Nintendo can offer very small production fees to large, new companies. Sony doesn't offer that with the PS3 (It offers advertising inside Home), and if that doesn't change they will lose more developers in the very near future. I know a guy who bought a PS3, and sold it the very next month because it didn't have enough games. This is a serious factor in current PS3 sales that Sony won't acknowledge, and it makes sense why so few PS3 owners are buying the actual games.
T3kNi9e said:
But software sales are low, even lower than the Wii's sales. This means alot of those PS3 buyers are people who use it for blu-ray/music instead of gaming. Especially since PS3 is the cheapest blu-ray player.

I don't know if this is 100% true anymore, Blu-Ray players have become a LOT cheaper in recent months.
I don't know if its true anymore either, but it was the cheapest. Now that HDDVD is dead, Sony's PS3 has to compete with other Blu-ray players now. That is sure to hurt its sales, atleast for people who were planning on getting a PS3 soley or mainly for Blu-ray.

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