project h.a.m.m.e.r


Mar 31, 2007
Wii Online Code
Anyone else excited about project hammer?? havnt heard much news bout it, but the pictures looks bloody good!! swinging the wii remote around like a hammer...awesom!!
below is a pic of it, how good does it look?? :D
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im_a_super_smash_bro said:
yeah it looks like it could be fun...When is it coming out? Ill tell ya when! When mario galaxy, metroid and brawl are coming!.....NEVER!!!! Na lol I CANT WAIT!
hahaha, thats true, they are taking ages to come out :prrr:
i remember there was little mention of this when the wii was first being released, but there hasnt been much news since then..

there was even some info about it on nintendo's own wii pages, no longer there though :cryin:
Looks to be like Marvel: Ultimate Alliance where you just move and rapidly press a button and it seems all you do is kill those people
I'm looking forward to this ,and Disaster: Day of Crisis. Its nice to see Nintendo making some darker games.
I'm waiting for E3 this year. I feel like all the companies are waiting till then to release stuff. It's just a few months away so they're frantic to get things together to show off. I doubt we'll hear much news on anything until then. But come July there will be alot to be excited about. I can't wait till E3.
Skorp, E3 is preety much dead, sorry i had to tell you this :(

it has been totally toned down and will not be like it has been anymore.

I'm not really bothered about h.a.m.m.e.r, i've heard some abd stuff about it so im not sure:nonod:
Based on what I've seen it look pretty basic, but maybe there's more to it. It's kinda looking like an oldschool street brawler like Final Fight, but let's hope it isn't like the new Final Fight.

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