Professional Wrestling Thread

I liked minikennedy the other week

"He cant reache the mike"

And Hornsawgle in this weeks Smackdown
Back to his useual stuff
LevesqueIsKing said:
He was so much better on Smackdown with the US title.

His character fits the 'up against the world' gimmick perfectly, but you can't be up against the world if you've got the biggest title in the freaking business. The steps toward de-Cenafying the WWE:

1. Change the WWE title back, the spinner is absolutely embaressing to us fans, and is a spit in the face to everyone who has ever held it.
2. Let Cena rest. Why rush his 12 month return to 4 months when WE NEED A BREAK FROM HIM ANYWAY. Have Orton fake re-injure him at No Way Out. This gives Orton even more heat going into mania [where he'll face Triple H] and bring Cena back in time to start a feud for SummerSlam.
3. Send him down to Mid-Card. Give him some kind of storyline in which he's lost his talent why'll he's been gone or something. The fans can watch him rise through the ranks from rookie to midcard and eventually all the way back up to main-eventer. Give him the intercontinental belt for a while and have him shoved around a bit. This will re-invent his fanbase, making him a super-face once again. The fans will absolutely eat up him losing so much in the beginning, but then they'll love to watch him rise through the ranks as he improves. Then, at WM25 have him win the belt again. DO NOT OVER DO IT, have his reign only be a few months, and give him a good heel to work with.

Cena is just being mis-used. He could still very well be the next Hogan, he just needs to start over.

They need to do something with Cena, giving him titles shots is not a good way to bring him back, not so fast anyways like you said.

Plus there is a surplus of guys on Raw alone that should be in the title picture.
Chris Jericho, JBL, Hardy, and rumored to be returning soon:
What will they do with all the talent? Hopefully put them to go use.
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Raw elemination chamber match will be beter than Smackdown but isnt the Big V from ECW & why Kane isnt in the match he was one of the last four in the rumble
which THQ WWE game is the best?
i think it was SmackDown HCTP i like the time limit Hardcore match
^The WWE is slowly combining ECW with SD. Rumor has it that ECW is going to expire soon and they aren't going to renew it. I'm really backing this move, it should give SD a lot of new life.
LevesqueIsKing said:
^The WWE is slowly combining ECW with SD. Rumor has it that ECW is going to expire soon and they aren't going to renew it. I'm really backing this move, it should give SD a lot of new life.

Well considerein the last star they biged up on ECW im not suprised
Koffie kingston vs somebody
Is Nitro [Morrison] still doing good over at ECW? I don't watch it, but the last time I saw him, I was really impressed. I have to admit that MNM was one of my favorite tag teams EVER [I especially adored the Snapshot. My friends would do it to one another all the time], and I absolutely hated it when they broke up. But Morrison was looking really good a while back.
I dont know
There last match was up aganst some guy that has been getin ingerd by everbody (I forget his name)(hes been up aganst the likes of Visera, mark henry and others that are big)

ECW has become skipable
Ahh, Benoit...

Thought process:
ECW is now poor
ECW used to be decent
Benoit used to be on ECW
As did Rey misterio
Scine hes droped the Jr part hes become a bit well rubbish

And where where his unmasked matcheis on his best of DVD

I smell a cover up (mostly his face)
Darkprinny said:
I dont know
There last match was up aganst some guy that has been getin ingerd by everbody (I forget his name)(hes been up aganst the likes of Visera, mark henry and others that are big)

ECW has become skipable

Lol, colin delaney.

If we see ECW follow suite with the EC's the ECW one would look like:

Colin delaney vs Kelly Kelly vs Tommy Dreamer vs Kevin thorn vs CM punk vs Big daddy V

Lol, its funny because they are all ECW has got apart from the champions
bigwilliiy said:
Lol, colin delaney.

If we see ECW follow suite with the EC's the ECW one would look like:

Colin delaney vs Kelly Kelly vs Tommy Dreamer vs Kevin thorn vs CM punk vs Big daddy V

Lol, its funny because they are all ECW has got apart from the champions

Kevin Thorn ?
He still wrestles ?

Your forgetin about Shelton and That new guy
Darkprinny said:
Kevin Thorn ?
He still wrestles ?

Your forgetin about Shelton and That new guy

Kevin thorn is in OVW. my bad he shouldnt be in the chamber.

also my point was to make a joke.. Kelly Kelly is the 2nd top face in all of ECW. well from what i see i should say.
*watchies the ECW intro*

Wheres the boogieman ?
Is he outa worms ?
He should ask Scotty 2 hotty for one
I was just hypnotized by this. Amazing. I miss these days, guys =(
I want a 24 hour late 90s-early 00s WWF channel.

I had to burst out laughing at the end though, the build up to "The People's Elbow" and the little dance he does before he does it...PRICELESS.

Good god, Triple H and The Rock look soooooo good. Threesome. Yeah.
well, watched a youtube video, and i love seeing peoples comments but one was actually quite right.

he commented back on people who where all like:


That Guys reponse:

"Wow, 7 years of the same guy saying the same things each week really makes for great TV."

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