Problem viewing in 480p


WiiChat Member
Jan 17, 2008
Apologies if a similar thread has already been posted but here is my problem. I have a Full Screen Sony Wega with Hi-Def capabilities - meaning that using component or hdmi cables, I can view things in Widescreen format (i.e. my cable and ps3 are viewable in widescreen with black bars on top and bottom of the screen). Unfortunately for me, when I use my component cable for my Wii and adjust the settings to appear in Widescreen AND to be 480p, I still see a full-screen (no black bars on top and bottom). The Wii main menu appears this way and so does Wii Sports. Is there anything I could be possibly doing wrong? Is Wii Sports not compatible for 480p or something? Should the Wii main menu appear in 480p? Since Legend of Zelda is supposed to be 480p compatible, will that allow me to see the game in Widescreen format?? Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks.

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