Prep time

im actually cleaning the house putting rose pedals every where,candels and a nice cool 48 pack of red bull.


well may be the roses and candles wont happen and the red bull to many but the only thing i am sure for its that the 19 i will have a wii connected to my TV or i wiil kill my boss for not givin me the day off.
Sold my PS2/N64... staring at my 60" HDTV that I'm about to get my moneys worth out if...

going to clean the basemeant (gaming area soon)... no I'm not 40, I'm 14:smilewinkgrin:
SPeaking of withdrawals, I've burnt myself out on Starcraft, Civ 4, HL2, and many more PC games...

You guys with these HDTVs are lucky... I have a 19" Sanyo Tube TV to play on. ugh.

Question - will the Wii have a DVI port?
StevenNevets said:
Sold my PS2/N64... staring at my 60" HDTV that I'm about to get my moneys worth out if...

going to clean the basemeant (gaming area soon)... no I'm not 40, I'm 14:smilewinkgrin:

how do you afford a 60" HDTV if your 14? i sure hope u mean your parents tv. just kidding. but sirously your a lucky kid.
nic7 said:
yeah, im gonna prolly sale my 3 (yes, sadly 3) gamecubes for and extra nunchuk and not quite sure how much you can get for a gcn now adays

lol, three gamecubes :p i dont know why but having three of any system is hilarious, id love to hear the story on how and why that happened. But ya, im gonna be giving my gamecube to my girlfriend, just dont need it anymore. I have a tiny room but its the only place in the house to set up a wii station so im shoving my bed in a tight hallway even though it blocks off a bathroom...I dont care if people walk across my bed to go pee if we have a nice open area to play some wii in together!
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rockyraccoon24 said:
lol, three gamecubes :p i dont know why but having three of any system is hilarious, id love to hear the story on how and why that happened.

Well, i originally got one at launch, but i didn't buy any memory cards (i was 12 and stupid) so i just left it on all day and night and it ended up overheating and it could no longer read discs and it would cost more money to get a new one (at that time they had just dropped to $120 or $150) so i ended up buying another one. And then my little brother(who is obsessed with Lugia) had to buy the gamecube with the Dark Lugia on it.

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