Post your Wii Funds

Well lets say if I get straight A's I get a Nintendo Wii from mummy and daddy, or atleast B's+ will get me some money probably due to that I used to get all C's and D's in middle school, and I'm also doing alot of work for them around the house that normally my brother used to do for money before he went to collage, and for christmas I can expect alot of Wii stuff. I love being a spoiled 14 year old kiddie :D
Make It $62...

Like I Said... With My GC And Two DS Games Sold... I'll Have About $110! Yay!

And My Mom Said If I Do Good On My Report Card... I'll Like Get Money Or Something...YAY!:smilewinkgrin:
linkzeldagame said:
Sovieto -
I would go to school instead of wii-ing all nite and day. It will make your mum happy in the long run and you'll also get a game from your cousin.

yeah hes right and whoever said that they miss school all the time just to play games all offence bro, but get a life and do something about it? im sure someones told u that already by now...i hate to hear when ppl ruin there lives off of video games u know?:rolleyes:
you might be confused with me when i said i skip school every other day, well ive gone to school every day this year for the past 2-3 weeks, and well it wasnt cause of video games, (my mom would take away the comp((put a pass on it) and she would take my gamecube) it was just cause i hated school
2stupid4u said:
450$ and rising 12$ a week il have 500 bucks in no time!!!

lol 12 dollars a week ppl can make 24$ an hour :D lol it doesnt occur to ppl just how much money they can make and what it can buy...imagine getting paid lets say $500 a week from a real and good job? its not that petty $12 a week anymore from allowance lol (im not making fun of anyone in this post btw lol)...of course, when u DO get a job like that, u will prolly have ur own house, mayb a wife and kids and overall, LOTS of bills and taking care of more in the long run, its actually not that much

to add on to my point, even like say $15 a month for a membership to a game...u can make that in half an hour, an hour or 2; this little time can get u a whole month of membership and is only a fraction of ur total paycheck for the if u think about it, that much money is actually pretty little per month when u look at it at my perspective...:O
oh ok sorry to hear that is something wrong in school like theres a bully or something? wait a minute i remember reading something about u liking communism, and i know some aethiyists who r geeks and they get picked on a lot (and support communism) not making fun of anyone at all, but r u one of them? and do u not go to school because of the bullies and such? let me know ifu r offended or just dont wanna answer

EDIT: Sorry i just double-posted i forgot
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Eric said:
Get the game :D
You can play Wii after school, but a game is better

By a long shot, missing school and losing that extra game is like paying $50 for an Arby's Roast Beef Sandwich. :crazy:
RPGMasterTurk91 said:
lol 12 dollars a week ppl can make 24$ an hour :D lol it doesnt occur to ppl just how much money they can make and what it can buy...imagine getting paid lets say $500 a week from a real and good job? its not that petty $12 a week anymore from allowance lol (im not making fun of anyone in this post btw lol)...of course, when u DO get a job like that, u will prolly have ur own house, mayb a wife and kids and overall, LOTS of bills and taking care of more in the long run, its actually not that much

to add on to my point, even like say $15 a month for a membership to a game...u can make that in half an hour, an hour or 2; this little time can get u a whole month of membership and is only a fraction of ur total paycheck for the if u think about it, that much money is actually pretty little per month when u look at it at my perspective...:O
dude im a 13 year old kid i cant get a job:mad5:
lmao me too stupid, im 13 too, but my moms friends from church own a greenhouse so im able to work there under the table certin parts of the year (spring+autumn) i love how he wrote that whole thing flaming a 13 yr that makes me laugh
Well about $200, already blew $15 of my money on some soft drink and a bed. Yes the bed was $10 LOL. Cool, right? :p I let my brother borrow $100 from me but I'm not gonna take it out of the $200 since I get it back soonish, so yay.

I get paid tomorrow so about $50 or $60 is going to my funds, wish I didn't have to pay board money though. :( then in a fortnight add $115 to it. :D and if the Wii comes out in November here I should have over $600 LOL. Geez, what a long post, heh. :p
About £50 at the moment...

But how do you spell CHRISTMAS?


I'm thinking about pre-ordering one, with Twilight Princess and Red Steel.

Now all I have to do it to pray that they release the lime green Wii...


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