Zombie Liberator
wiimote sails across living room killing child...WiiStiix said:Hi All,
I bought the wii a few months ago, and I love it! My whole family plays with it. I thought wii sports and Tiger woods was cool, but something wasn't quite right. I realized that it could feel more like holding a bat or golf club. So I went out drew this image, got a patent(!) and now I'm trying to get it made in a factory!
Anyways, here's the pictures of the baseball bat (can't wait to get the Bigs!). I have baseball, golf and tennis rackets.
Let me know what you think? Cool? Stupid? Needs more work?
ooooh, I forgot to mention that the different handles can snap into the top part. So you can switch between baseball and tennis (or golf) in two secs.
it's cool and all, but Murphy's law tells me to fear that and stay away from anyone that owns one. I'm not saying you don't know how to make a quality product, it's just that well I'd rather not even risk it. As much of a baseball nut I am, nah. I'd pass on it. If you made a red sox version of it with a red wiimote I might buy it as a novelty though, cuz well I'm a dork like that