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  • #287
Wii Dust Protection Kit..


Totally necessary…right?!

wii zapper

The Wii Zapper


don't forget to push the green button
naisatoh said:
Anyone know of any carrying cases that can hold 4 wiimotes and nunchucks?
Not case that I know of. There is one case that holds 1 wiimote and 1 nunchuk. I use it to hold 2 wiimotes.

There is that WeDock (review coming soon), that holds 2 wiimotes and 2 nunchuks but is not a carry case.
Inspired by S'Rach's intrepid search for Wii hardware stuff - I don't think this has already been posted. If it has...doh!!


LOL - how to look like a tit whilst playing Wii in front of the front room / bedroom window :lol:

Rolex said:
Inspired by S'Rach's intrepid search for Wii hardware stuff - I don't think this has already been posted. If it has...doh!!


LOL - how to look like a tit whilst playing Wii in front of the front room / bedroom window :lol:


haha the way the article is portrayed is hilarious, the author makes it sounds like you hafta be fat and lazy to buy it
if you didn't know: the wiihelm - it is fake, never coming out.
On the link for that WiiHelm thing, is the usb memory stick for Wii a hoax beacause that would be great if it was real.
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