Post your speedtest results


Current Games : SSBB COD5
Feb 2, 2008
Portland Oregon
Wii Online Code
For anyone rich enough to have bought \ lucky enough to be gifted the internet channel, has developed a Wii specific portal for their website. Feel free to browse the site on your computer but It's pretty neat to gauge your Wii's download \ upload speeds, ping and IP.

I found this after rearranging my router for optimal signal


Results for my Wii
Comcast Cable
Wireless Router
Download : 3.40mbps
Upload : 0.35mbps
Ping : 40ms
Phalxor your router is so close to the wii. I am curious as to:
1.why not use ethernet cable for stronger connection
2.Most routers perform better higher than the wii except a couple. One is a Linksys I have (not sure of the Model exactly) WTRG54 SRX200. It was made with new tech. The farther away the stronger the signal. Do you have any interference, lag, disconnects?
Also where at speedtest do you go for the wii?
I use the only test there but it says zero about the wii. Or am I blind? dont answer that part. lol thanks
Also where at speedtest do you go for the wii?
I use the only test there but it says zero about the wii. Or am I blind? dont answer that part. lol thanks

If you go there using the Wii browser, it auto-detects that you are using the Wii and presents a specialized Wii formatted test screen.
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because you have to buy the lan adapter, and I was never really fond of usb to ethernet, i've also never had a problem using the wifi. I wouldn't want to invest in a bomb connection if I have to p2p connect to a bunch of numb-nuts with lame connections not to mention the offering of solid multiplayer titles.... I'm going to make it as solid as possible with wifi and thats that. Streaming long youtube \ google videos takes no time either.
I have the Lan Adapter but..

Seriously, when I test the speed with the adapter then wirelessly... theres very little difference. Thats using 3 different test sites. I can't tell if I am wireless anymore in my play. They are pretty much the same.
Im sure everyones wii is different though but the advantage is when I cant connect wirelessly I can always connect hard wired.
Even wired I still get occasional DC"d today and yesterday being the most DC's I have had.
When I first started last December I had lag so bad!! 2 minute games were 5-6 mins. I read all I could (alot at Nintendo) and forums and it took alot (way too much) tweaking and moving and replacing to play without freezing. The wii needs some serious updating.
The adapter is less than $20.00 and seems to work way better than on a pc. I agree USB sucks.
The biggest change I had was setting the router to a different channel ( I couln't get anyone matched up to play in Basic. Within 2 mins of changing it I had all of the matches I wanted.
Seriously, when I test the speed with the adapter then wirelessly... theres very little difference. Thats using 3 different test sites. I can't tell if I am wireless anymore in my play. They are pretty much the same.
Im sure everyones wii is different though but the advantage is when I cant connect wirelessly I can always connect hard wired.
Even wired I still get occasional DC"d today and yesterday being the most DC's I have had.
When I first started last December I had lag so bad!! 2 minute games were 5-6 mins. I read all I could (alot at Nintendo) and forums and it took alot (way too much) tweaking and moving and replacing to play without freezing. The wii needs some serious updating.
The adapter is less than $20.00 and seems to work way better than on a pc. I agree USB sucks.
The biggest change I had was setting the router to a different channel ( I couln't get anyone matched up to play in Basic. Within 2 mins of changing it I had all of the matches I wanted.

In what way did you change your router?
I would like to know because i never get any matches on basic or team.....well not ever but i rarely do.

I port forwarded the ports Nintendo recomended. I'll have to look at the settings then I'll post them. But they are port forwarded for only the wii. Or you can choose to DMZ the wii. That opens all ports for the wii.
I set the wii IP so it never changes. Set it so the last 3 numbers are 10 numbers higher than the highest IP on your computers. ex. if the IP is then the Wii IP will be 192.168.110.
Change the channel (default is 6 ) to 1 or 11. However I used 1 already. So I changed it to 6.
Then i went to and used their TCP analyzer and optimizer.
It analyzes the computer but changes the routers setting to optimal.

Then change the wii internet settings. Do Not Obtain IP automatically then enter the IP that you added 10 to. Then add dns servers and last The MTU enter 1500.
All helped tremendously but still dc'd easy. Wired and wireless. So call Comcast they said.. move the router 4 feet min from the modem, move the electrical lines so they are not curled up or piled anywhere on top of each other, or the ethernet line. Put the wii up on a table or shelf not down low. That in itself was the problem. It stopped dc'ing except occasionally in a game or entering. That was the servers problem.
Also any cordless phones,bluetooth devices, microwaves will interfere.
I experimented and sure enough when the phone rang, my game dc'd, turn on microwave dc'd. LOL I was a freaking lunatic. OMG who's using the microwave? They thought I'd really lost it. The wii is so sensitive also (or mine was) that a slammed door would dc me.
Hope this helps let me know if I can help you guys with this.:thumbsup:
hi I test the speed of my internet in many sites I got the best speed results from here scanmyspeed
my results are
I don't know the reason why my speed seems to be slow many of them said that if Cable Internet services share bandwidth with satellite Internet access.
If there are many subscribers using that same bandwidth, it can slow down the connection. kindly guide me how to solve this problem .
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