Poor Graphics on Wii!

Let me first say, that graphics aren't everything and I do support the Wii very heavily and can't wait for mine on launch day.

However, I do not agree with the myth of "it's cheaper, thats why the graphics are mediocre". That's just not true. The Wii, if anything, is overpriced at $250. The hardware included in a $300 x360 is head and shoulers above that of the Wii. If you buy component cables for the Wii, guess what... You're right up there with those so called "overpriced, all graphics no gameplay" consoles.

If the Wii included anywhere near the performance level of an X360, the system would have a much much longer future in store, a larger fan base and a higher capability to continue to run the highly anticipated, extremely complex graphics coming out over the next four quarters.
Ledja said:
Let me first say, that graphics aren't everything and I do support the Wii very heavily and can't wait for mine on launch day.

However, I do not agree with the myth of "it's cheaper, thats why the graphics are mediocre". That's just not true. The Wii, if anything, is overpriced at $250. The hardware included in a $300 x360 is head and shoulers above that of the Wii. If you buy component cables for the Wii, guess what... You're right up there with those so called "overpriced, all graphics no gameplay" consoles.

If the Wii included anywhere near the performance level of an X360, the system would have a much much longer future in store, a larger fan base and a higher capability to continue to run the highly anticipated, extremely complex graphics coming out over the next four quarters.

Go read the wii graphic specs and then go read the 360 specs.
And that's the problem... consoles change every few years, and computer parts change every few months. The competition will always be there. For example, I had a BBATI Radeon 9800 PRO 128mb once they hit shelves, cost around $500 CDN at the time... now I've got a BBATI 9800 PRO AIW 128mb that does even more and cost me around $150 CDN. Same deal with consoles. It's all what you want to put down on the technology, that holds us back from having 'the best'.
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Yeah I thought the Wii was a little overpriced. But then I'm in Britain and we're gonna get charged £179 for it. Americans are getting it a lot cheaper.
That crap card you are talking about is an incredibly awesome new card by nvidia. It is the only card out now that is ready for DirectX10 and shader 4. If you think it's a crap card, you obviously don't know anything about computers. even the 7000's model 512 cards sli'd won't run as well as one 8800. The only card of it's type that rivals it would be ati's 1950xtx courtesy of crossfire. The 9800 is pretty dated.

yep :) Crysis, here i come!
A game, it is something you play for the gameplay (hence the word game)
talk of games being bad because of poor grapics, is something I generally expect of the xbox crowd. Saying something is good because it has the best graphics, is like saying you have the best painting because you used the best set of paints, its just not true. Gameplay is by far the biggest issue with any game, if it has nice graphics that is just a small +
eddie17 said:
srry but im 36 and played games all my life and i cannot believe u asked that graphics means nothing gameplay = everything

Graphics are important. however, it's not EVERYTHING. Bottom line folks is we ARE getting a graphics upgrade. Grant it may not be as much a step as PS3 or360 it is an advance. The key to everything in life is balance. we are getting a medium sized graphics upgrade and a supersized gameplay upgrade. Anyone else notice the controls are almost exactly the same on the orig. XboX and PS2 as the "NEXT-Gens"? Pouring on nothing but super hi def hoopty doo in your face, pours in the skin-and stitches in your clothes, little rocks on the street-graphics with basically the same gameplay is like a little kid adding 10 cups of sugar to a pitcher of kool-aid. May be sweet but you will get sick of it!!! <---LOL!!!
Graphics do matter, I can't stand jaggy edges, but the Gameplay is the real part of a game. The Wii games look better than the Gamecube, but not as good as the 360 or PS3. But the Wii also has motion control. The PS3 does too but it's "Six-Axis" which is basically saying we whipped this up real quick-like because Nintendo had the best idea
UkranianTractor said:
But ARE we getting a graphics upgrade? As far as I can tell the only factor that has increased is the processor speed.
Wii has already been confirmed to have twice the graphics power of the GC and it's said to be a little bit more powerful than the original Xbox.
Umm yea graphics matter a fair bit, like the game just isnt believable if the graphics are crap. With better graphics you can become more attatched to the game and it becomes more life like. Wii's graphics look BAD so far no offense. Gamecube games were mostly bad graphics except for some. Like Resident Evil 1 on Gamecube has the best graphics of any game I've ever seen so like... But still. Personally i think the ps3 will win but hey thats just my opinion, the console is looking ver ystrong so far, dont flame me for being a fanboy im not trying to start up arguements. My sincerist apologies to all those who are some how offended by me saying i think the ps3 will win. Anyways Wii has the innovative controller, but what else is innovation for the wii? Is that all or is there more? Cuz the ps3 has quite a bit of innovation, the ripped off motion sensing and button that turns on the console controller and its online has greatly expanded and...too much to say lol. Google it for like a full list but yea just curious, what else is the wii providing thathelps it stand out?
darthbeaverxp said:
Umm yea graphics matter a fair bit, like the game just isnt believable if the graphics are crap. With better graphics you can become more attatched to the game and it becomes more life like. Wii's graphics look BAD so far no offense. Gamecube games were mostly bad graphics except for some. Like Resident Evil 1 on Gamecube has the best graphics of any game I've ever seen so like... But still. Personally i think the ps3 will win but hey thats just my opinion, the console is looking ver ystrong so far, dont flame me for being a fanboy im not trying to start up arguements. My sincerist apologies to all those who are some how offended by me saying i think the ps3 will win. Anyways Wii has the innovative controller, but what else is innovation for the wii? Is that all or is there more? Cuz the ps3 has quite a bit of innovation, the ripped off motion sensing and button that turns on the console controller and its online has greatly expanded and...too much to say lol. Google it for like a full list but yea just curious, what else is the wii providing thathelps it stand out?
Not flaming, but the Wii is the best deal for your $$. The PS3 is exactly the same as a ps2, except for "Six-Axis" and a graphics card upgrade. The Wii really is way more innovative than the PS3. I own a PS2 and I think Sony won the last round of consoles. But this time will definatley be different. With a $600 price point it knocks most of the casual gamers out
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Add to that the fact that you'd need a high-def television to play it on. Look at the problems people are having reading the text on Dead Rising on SD televisions! I do think that Nintendo should have made the wii high-def compatible though.