Pokken tornament

Serebii said:
On Twitter, Pokkén Tournament's game producer, Katsuhiro Harada, confirmed a new bit of information for Pokkén Tournament. This bit of information confirmed that not all of the Pokémon that are to bei n the game will be of the Fighting-type
dat typo
So hey, not just Fighting-types. No doubt thus Magikarp will enter the fillet.

Er... fray.

this game is for arcades only....so there will be no sales. do they count arcade machines as sales?

Speakin' of that, how do developers profit from arcade machines, anyways? Do they get a specific royalty, or is it more complex?

No, but seriously. Wii U version coming in a year or two. I see it.


Honestly I don't like the concept, but who knows?

Ya don't like the concept of a Pokemon fighting game? Are you mad?
Namco fighting game. If Troll Freak doesn't tell 'em to make it a superderpcasual game, it could be competitively viable. And not as in "Smash Bros. accidentally being competitively viable", as in they developed with competitive balance in mind.

... Though they could fail miserably even if they did try t' make it competitively viable. Ya can't know if a game is competitive 'til a few months after release.

Unless it's as bad as PSAll-Stars.
Metamon please.
Incorporate capturing to unlock them. Or is it strictly wild or uncapturable pokes?
2v2, 3v3, rotation mode?

I need information before I disappoint myself! Not like I can play it anyways. Yet.

@Koi: (yes, I've dropped the "King" status)
Poke is already a fighting game. Not in a traditional sense. Turn based strategy. I like Poke and I like fighting games. What I'd really like to see is another PokeRanger.

PSA-S needs to give me my money back. It was unpolished at launch, and support was hardly there after 1 or 2 patches. Content was very minimal.
largely depends if they include type effectiveness or not

They absolutely will not. Lucario would be bottom-tier lol. If the roster was humongous, maybe there'd be some sort'a special type-based mode, but there's no way they'd force type match-ups into the majority of gameplay.

Poke is already a fighting game.

... No lol. As taken from Wikipedia: herpderplazy

"Fighting game is a video game genre in which the player controls an on-screen character and engages in close combat with an opponent. These characters tend to be of equal power and fight matches consisting of several rounds, which take place in an arena. "

Pokemon is most assuredly not the sort of fighting game I was talkin' about.

What I'd really like to see is another PokeRanger.

i would not

'Less they completely reinvent the series and somehow make it good in 3D. Doubt that'd happen though, since Troll Freak ain't behind the reigns for said series.
Here ya go:
Besides "Martial Arts" because that is a very loose term.

... No lol. As taken from Wikipedia: herpderplazy

"Fighting game is a video game genre in which the player controls an on-screen character and engages in close combat with an opponent. These characters tend to be of equal power and fight matches consisting of several rounds, which take place in an arena. "

Pokemon is most assuredly not the sort of fighting game I was talkin' about.

'Less they completely reinvent the series and somehow make it good in 3D. Doubt that'd happen though, since Troll Freak ain't behind the reigns for said series.
Yeah... I don't know what kinda drugs I was on... but technically...
- You do control an on screen character (though not in real time)
- They are close combating (comparing in-game distance, and the fact that moves do connect physically)
- "Equal" power, all varies
- It is several rounds
- The field they are in is an arena, there are also gyms
Wikipedia is not an absolute credible source either.

I liked Rangers. :(
i never noticed paul's fighting style is judo(esque), and i mained him in old tekken games... ... ...

ditto has a chance of being playable


All these revelations are mind-blowing.

but technically...

get out
Get N or Get out

commercial where it's from if you don't know:

not so Fun-Fact:
Pokken is a dutch word for small pox.
As Kotaku has advise, DO NOT image search that.
Search "Pokken Tournament" or "Pokken Fighters" or similar.
I have made the mistake...

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