Pokémon glitches


WiiChat Member
Jan 6, 2011
Wii Online Code
This is a post for Pokémon fans to share glitches with one another! The glitch I'm sharing would happen to be one of my favorites; it's the mew glitch on blue and red (never attempted yellow). Here's a video tutorial on how to do the glitch:[video=youtube;dYzFeE6MyX4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYzFeE6MyX4[/video]
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STILL need t' do this glitch for old time's sake, since I never knew 'bout it in my youth.

Who else remembers the ol' cloning glitch back in Gold 'n Silver? ohai infinite masterballs
G/S cloning was win.

Did anyone ever do the Void glitch in D/P? I attempted it in Platinum, but they put in an invisible wall when trying to run through the black ;_;
I tried to do the void glitch once and it made my Diamond game freeze. I havent tried it since, though may again to get Darkrai and Shaymin.

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