Mario Famous
Mr. Nintendo
Pokémon Diamond & Pokémon Pearl are new games that were recently announced for the Nintendo DS
Not much is known about them yet however below are the details we do know about these upcoming games:
They are set in a region different to Kanto, Johto & Hoenn but contains old Pokémon aswell as the new ones and is called Shinou. In which you start in Futaba Town. The Professor is called Nanakamado
You are capable of transferring your hard trained Pokémon from Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed & LeafGreen to these games after certain
criterea have been met in Diamond & Pearl
There will be many new Pokémon including new Pre-evolutions and
Evolutions of Old Pokémon. Currently 5 are known
DP will use the DS's Wireless Capabilities and allow for up to 16 Players to be linked at once in a Union Room style situation
There will be no new Pokémon types but new type combinations such as
Day/Night Feature makes a welcome return
The Pokédex now features a weight comparison feature. The height and weight comparisons allow you to put your own height and weight in and compare with the Pokémon
The Watch acts as a PokéNav called Pokétchi and has over 20 Features:Time Management, Monitoring of Pokémon in the Breeding Center, Type Chart and many more
Voice Chat over Nintendo WiFi Connection
Linkable with Pokémon Battle Revolution
The Pokémon Sprites vary between Male & Female Pokémon. Different patterns are on the different genders aswell as bigger or smaller features or even missing features. For example Wooper's Antenna is smaller on the female version as seen below
Male wooper
Female wooper
Not much is known about them yet however below are the details we do know about these upcoming games:
They are set in a region different to Kanto, Johto & Hoenn but contains old Pokémon aswell as the new ones and is called Shinou. In which you start in Futaba Town. The Professor is called Nanakamado
You are capable of transferring your hard trained Pokémon from Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed & LeafGreen to these games after certain
criterea have been met in Diamond & Pearl
There will be many new Pokémon including new Pre-evolutions and
Evolutions of Old Pokémon. Currently 5 are known
DP will use the DS's Wireless Capabilities and allow for up to 16 Players to be linked at once in a Union Room style situation
There will be no new Pokémon types but new type combinations such as
Day/Night Feature makes a welcome return
The Pokédex now features a weight comparison feature. The height and weight comparisons allow you to put your own height and weight in and compare with the Pokémon
The Watch acts as a PokéNav called Pokétchi and has over 20 Features:Time Management, Monitoring of Pokémon in the Breeding Center, Type Chart and many more
Voice Chat over Nintendo WiFi Connection
Linkable with Pokémon Battle Revolution
The Pokémon Sprites vary between Male & Female Pokémon. Different patterns are on the different genders aswell as bigger or smaller features or even missing features. For example Wooper's Antenna is smaller on the female version as seen below

Male wooper

Female wooper