Pokemon Colesseum on Wii problems


WiiChat Member
Apr 23, 2012
Lexington, TN
I just bought the game and started running it on my Wii. I can get past the start screen, and past the intro movie, but the moment I start the first battle... it show's me, "An error has occurred. Turn the power off and refer to the Nintendo GameCube Instruction Booklet for further instructions."

There are very minor scratches on the disc, but I have never seen a game act like this over a small scratch before... any help PLEASE?
My own copy of Pokemon Colosseum have very few and very small scratches, but is also unable to be played past a certain point due to read errors. I don't know whether or not the game itself or Gamecube discs in general are easily scuffed up beyond playability, but it's probably one or the other.

In short, you'll probably need to either look into some sort of disc repair kit or find another (better condition) copy.
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well that really sucks... i guess amazon isn't as good as everyone says LOL. this is actually the second copy i received, the first being returned for even worse scratches... should i get my money back, or should i try for a third copy?
Last game I bought from Amazon was also a bust due to excessive scratches, ironically... (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance was the game).

It's not really Amazon that's at fault though, you just need to check how long a seller has been in business, customer ratings, etc. I'd keep lookin' for a working copy if I were you, be it on Amazon or somewhere else online.

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