Pokemon Black & White


WiiChat Member
Jan 19, 2011
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Well, starting this past Monday, I've been watching Pokemon: Sinnoh League Victors in the morning at 8 AM. I've been lucky enough to wake up in time every day. :) I checked to see if any Pokemon shows were on for Saturday and the Black and White series is. I've been meaning to watch these so right after I post this, I'm gonna start from episode 1. :)
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I've watched seven episodes so far and they've all been great. I'm surprised Ash has caught all three starter Pokemon. I don't really like that Cilan is coming along for the journey but I bet it will turn out to be a good thing. I do like how my signature is the final scene of episode seven. :)
The only downside in the show is that Team Rocket and super agents, they never blast off, they rarely get seen by ash, Brock is not in the show and no pokemon from Kanto-Shinnoh is in the show.
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Team Rocket is in every episode! They seem more dangerous and serious this time around. In the last episode I watched, they found out about a secret organization in Unova. Plasma?!! Haha. Oh yeah.

Cilan caught a Stunfisk. I LOVE HIM NAO

....not that I watch the anime anymore.
Team Rocket is in every episode! They seem more dangerous and serious this time around. In the last episode I watched, they found out about a secret organization in Unova. Plasma?!! Haha. Oh yeah.
I know there in every episode but, I like the old team rocket. They blast off alot, there fail everytime(in the black and white it looks like they are suceeding alot) The new team Rockets motto sux in my opinion, and also in my opinion, I prefer the old Team Rocket than the new Team Rocket.
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I hate waiting a week to watch Black and White. This series is so good. Only a half-hour until the next episode, though! I'm gonna go downstairs, eat some Honeycombs, and watch Pokemon! Then I have to clean my room and then I'm starting a new game of Ocarina of Time!
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I've missed the past two weeks of episodes so I'm wondering if they were new because I read about some episodes being canceled due to the tragedies in Japan.
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  • #9
Ok, after watching the episode featuring Emolga, in the beginning with the Patrats, when the Patrats speak, they sound just like the witch from Banjo-Kazooie. Haha!

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