My Pokemon Team


WiiChat Member
Jan 19, 2011
Wii Online Code
I've been watching a walkthrough for Pokemon Soul Silver and the guy made a photo of all his Pokemon and it made me want to do one for my team in Pokemon Pearl. This is currently my team with lots more in my PC and I'm almost done with the game. I have to finish it before White and Black come out, ALMOST TIME!, which I will. I did this quickly in paint. Just wanted to share it.
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I like making these. If anyone, for whatever reason, wants me to make more, give me the info I need, and I will.
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I will be making more of these featuring my other Pokemon I use. I think this one is staying the same. I'm keeping Staravia Staravia, Pikachu as Pikachu, and Psyduck as Psyduck.
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After long thinking, I chose to evolve Psyduck into Golduck. When I realized I had Ice Beam, I wanted to teach it to him but I liked it on Golduck more so I evolved him. Plus, Psyduck wanted to evolve. I made the right decision. However, Staravia is staying Staravia.
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If I had photoshop, it'd be much, much better. I didn't do it for any praise. I just did it for the fun of it.

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