Pokemon Black Chaos...?

pokemon is very addictive. jus imagine whats gonna be different for pokemon when it comes out for the wii. but maybe it will be jus like before. the new control for the wii wont apply for every game. so i think it wont change the way we play pokemon. but still...pokemon rocks!!!
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Yeah its a pirated game, a very good one though. From all that i've been reading Ebay's gotten alot of money from ppl selling these things and ppl complain cuz there stuck in 5 min. because it's all water and u can't go anywhere.

One of the best video-game scandels.

I wish this was true though because I like that Saslash guy and the name of the game and the cover pokemon.
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Well that fossil seen is from Yellow, Red & Blue and possibly Leaf Green and Fire Red, I didn't play them. I still wish those pokemon were on D/P....But now nintendo can nvr use any of them because they'd be familiarized w/ this game.
LOL!! That Pokemon on the cover isnt a pokemon Thats Chaos from the Sonic games :p so yea that a total fake



Blue one is orignal from Sonic Games
Black one is a Overlayed Color of it
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I realized that yesterday -_-'....I feel dumb*fake laugh*hehe....well anyways I was thinking about it and was like, "I know that guy from somewhere..." And my mind was telling me "Sonic Adventure Battle 2! Sonic Adventure Battle 2!:lol:
But Chaos is not one of the main chars anyways he was only in 3 or 4 games he was in 7 episodes of Sonic X and he was mentioned in the Sonic Comic like 2 times so it's quite easy for a true sonic fan like me to know :p
ssbb_lover said:
I heard it was a rumor for the gameboy advance, but then I looked into some forums and they said they couldn't get past some parts in it etc. Also I saw this pic on Ebay:

Now either ppl r selling things on Ebay that don't exist(which is illegal)or this is one fricken awsome game, look at this vid of Chaos:
I mean those r some pretty cool pokemon there, and look at the one on the front cover of the box.

Plz tell me wut u guys know about this mystery...
So that u know ,Ive never heard of the black chaos version.If there is I "ll tell u ok?Also Im a naruto and pokemon fean.So u can call me The super knuckle headed boy.And 1 more thing I want to get 1 icon like that of Naruto too.danm it all.
ssbb_lover said:
I heard it was a rumor for the gameboy advance, but then I looked into some forums and they said they couldn't get past some parts in it etc. Also I saw this pic on Ebay:

Now either ppl r selling things on Ebay that don't exist(which is illegal)or this is one fricken awsome game, look at this vid of Chaos:
I mean those r some pretty cool pokemon there, and look at the one on the front cover of the box.

Plz tell me wut u guys know about this mystery...
So that u know ,Ive never heard of the black chaos version.If there is I "ll tell u ok?Also Im a naruto and pokemon fean.So u can call me The super knuckle headed boy.And 1 more thing I want to get 1 icon like that of Naruto too.danm it all.:tard:
When does Diamond/pearl come out in new york.Ca somebody plz tell me.By messeging or something.ok?