Plus/minus about a xbox 360.

fatalorgasm92 said:
I have played on multiple 360s and its just as horrible everytime. ITs just laggy as hell. But then again so is every other Game on 360. Have you played thr Area 51 ???
Seriously its just terrible.

Oh heres another minus.
If you pay $50 a year for LIVE.
Why The Hell dont they have Faster Download speeds?
I mean Downloading ANYTHING sucks balls.
While idk about Wii most my VCs come pretty fast however those are small.
on my PS3 i can DL a Gig in under 30 minutes.
dude stop bashing 360 it plays everything perfectly well. i dont notice any lag and neither does anyone else. i geuss you're to busy humping your ps3 to notice that the 360 plays just as well. ****ing fanboy you can lick my ass.
fatalorgasm92 said:
I have played on multiple 360s and its just as horrible everytime. ITs just laggy as hell. But then again so is every other Game on 360. Have you played thr Area 51 ???
Seriously its just terrible.

Oh heres another minus.
If you pay $50 a year for LIVE.
Why The Hell dont they have Faster Download speeds?
I mean Downloading ANYTHING sucks balls.
While idk about Wii most my VCs come pretty fast however those are small.
on my PS3 i can DL a Gig in under 30 minutes.
your right the downloads should be faster they take like 2 hours to download and i have very fast internet
Area 51 has major chuggage on when multple things of happening. It looks ok, I hate the first thing with the black guy tlaking and it tries to make it look like thats in game, when its not, Some things looked great, but Textures were kinda bad.
Who really cares how good it looks if it lags, i mean It shouldnt be as good as it is now because 360 cant handle shouldnt lag period.
Theres nothing Wrong with my 360 they are the same mass produced console. Im on my fourth one ( cuz there such poor quality) so the one i have now is a 2007 model so its new. all my other 360s and my friensd 360s have performed this way.
gingerkid said:
dude stop bashing 360 it plays everything perfectly well. i dont notice any lag and neither does anyone else. i geuss you're to busy humping your ps3 to notice that the 360 plays just as well. ****ing fanboy you can lick my ass.

You are the one being a Fanboy. I never said a bunch of stuff ignorantly like 360 sucks PS3 rocks. I never even mentioned PS3 except DL rates. I cant possibly be a fanboy Because I own all the new consoles and many more.
You are being a fanboy because you never made a valid point only immaturly Insulted me by saying i hump PS3s. Perhaps you dont know anything about lag. When i say lag i also mean Framerates. You probably Dont notice as much if you just play consoles.
I play PC alot so its easier for me to tell what the Framerate is, also cuz i use FRAPS all the time while playing stuff.

BTW im not bashing 360 THE THREAD is about MINUSES and PLUSES. And I am very dissapointed withthe 360 and There arent many thing good to say about it. Microsoft could easily improve alot of things but the choose not to.

I agree minto They should have faster servers that would definitly be a plus if they were faster.
fatalorgasm92 said:
You are the one being a Fanboy. I never said a bunch of stuff ignorantly like 360 sucks PS3 rocks. I never even mentioned PS3 except DL rates. I cant possibly be a fanboy Because I own all the new consoles and many more.
You are being a fanboy because you never made a valid point only immaturly Insulted me by saying i hump PS3s. Perhaps you dont know anything about lag. When i say lag i also mean Framerates. You probably Dont notice as much if you just play consoles.
I play PC alot so its easier for me to tell what the Framerate is, also cuz i use FRAPS all the time while playing stuff.

BTW im not bashing 360 THE THREAD is about MINUSES and PLUSES. And I am very dissapointed withthe 360 and There arent many thing good to say about it. Microsoft could easily improve alot of things but the choose not to.

I agree minto They should have faster servers that would definitly be a plus if they were faster.
what are you going to complain about the red ring of death, the online you have to pay for, and some other bullshit. okay the red ring, gone. online, amazing. games, amazing. marketplace, amazing. 360 ****ing amazing!!!

I'm not a 360 fanboy i have all the consoles as well. this is how my consoles are wii, loving it. 360, awsome. ps3, dusty and havent played in at least a month. i cant think of any game good for the ps3.
THAT IS FANboyism You jsut Blankly Stated EVerything is AMAZING. the red ring of Death is not gone i have 3 2 days ago. I play all my consoles.
the Biggest problem with the 360 is everyone is Brainwashed into thinking its awesome nobody knows why they like it.
The Library is garbage it just the Same FPS over and over and over and over.
The Xbox 1 was similar to this but still a great STABLE system.
The 360 is a disgrace compared to the Xbox 1.
There is still no point what are you trying to prove? I STILL havent said anything about the PS3 so stop trying to make a point. THe PS3 and Wii are both new consoles with not many games out yet. oh yeah BTW since you ar so obssesd with the subject compare the PS3 to 360 at launch because that is FAIR. 70% of 360s were sent back, Absolutely Nothing worth playing, its not like oh well PS3 only has uh Motorstorm and Resistance etc. O h yeah and PS3 also have a bunch of "360 exclusives" that look and perform better.

Darkness will be the ****, MGS4 will be the ****, Lair will be the ****, Metroid 3 will be the ****, Galaxy will be the ****, Heavenly sword will be the ****.
There are many games coming out this year that are going to rock and 360 only has one Exclusive that MIGHT be really good. And im not really that hyped about halo 3 because Halo 2 was a huge letdown and a piece of garbage.
No Honestly You are completely Done. You have Nothing to Say except immature insults. I made a "final statement" that you had nothing to argue about because you mindlessly stated everything you said and dont have any real facts, reasons, or backing in what you believe. Grow up and just stop posting unless you actually have something to say, Pointlessly calling people names is idiotic and ill report you for it.
Just shut up and get back on topic. There is no need for pointless idiotic arguments. We all have different opinions and some people may love a console while others hate it, just accept it. If you do argue about it, then at least have mature arguments with facts to back it up, not just saying things like: "kiss my penis."
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paintba||er said:
Just shut up and get back on topic. There is no need for pointless idiotic arguments. We all have different opinions and some people may love a console while others hate it, just accept it. If you do argue about it, then at least have mature arguments with facts to back it up, not just saying things like: "kiss my penis."
Ew they said that? ANYWAYS your right these arguments are getting annoying and they do need to get on topic!
that was my point....

another minus is the non nexgen format. PS3 and 360 are big competitors. And the Graphical comparison is very popular. This is big trouble ofr 360 as devs wont be able to make alot of things they want on 360. I think this might mean more exclusives for PS3 in the future, because they at first wanna make a game for both, but it ends up big, small enough for the BLu-ray but too big for the 360, so the 360 misses out.
Good move sony.
fatalorgasm92 said:
that was my point....

another minus is the non nexgen format. PS3 and 360 are big competitors. And the Graphical comparison is very popular. This is big trouble ofr 360 as devs wont be able to make alot of things they want on 360. I think this might mean more exclusives for PS3 in the future, because they at first wanna make a game for both, but it ends up big, small enough for the BLu-ray but too big for the 360, so the 360 misses out.
Good move sony.
While it is less convenient, they can always have multiple DVDs.

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