Please Help


WiiChat Member
Apr 26, 2010
ok, so my cuz and i are new to the Wii we just got one this week because of Monster Hunter of our all time fav games

this is the only game we have played on the system

we are on a wifi connection

we can connect fine and even play the game online and also do quests, but most of the time after each quest as it tries to load the game back into town it will take a very long time to load and then disconnect before it makes it back on us.

or we MAY be able to play a few quests and inevitably and "unstable connection" message will pop up

can anyone please help or offer suggetions?
Improve your wii connection and it should help fix it.

Set your Wii with a static IP.
Use OpenDNS for your DNS servers
Set MTU to "0" which is auto.

Put your Wii on the DMZ.

This will help your connection be much more stable and provide a faster connection.
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Monster hunter 3

that game is lame why dont you play something like cod mwr

hahaha i love monster hunter one of my fav games.....MW2 or any COD is around the map in a frag fest seeing the OTHER team on your radar and you have the computer get most of your kills for you with killstreaks....SOCOM for life, used to love that game back when it was still good.

on a side note....we switched from wireless to wired and it actually improved the problem greatly....we still get DCed a bit, but its only like once or twice every few days now.

thanks for the replys
No. mwr and mw2 is fun, and socom is a ok game. i like the second one, it was really fun.
but the new games lost the fun like the old ones.

halo is a fun game. and i mean the first one not the 2nd, or 3rd game the first one was the best the other ones were ok.
caint wait tell reach comes out it looks fun.

the only monster hunter game i like is the one on the psp its fun. just i dont think it will be fun on the wii
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