Playing GAME Qube on Wii with Wii controller


WiiChat Member
Sep 24, 2007
I have just purchased Wii and bought the classic controller plus some Game Cube games because I was told that Wii can play Game Cube games.

The guy at Wal-Mart said that you will need the classic controller to be able to do this. Hence I bought the Wii Classic Controller.

When I insert the Game Cube game into my Wii it recognises it as a Game Cube game and starts it but once it starts the Wii remote that is connected to the classic controller is no longer attached to the system.

Further diagnostics I found, via my IR camera, that when the Game cube Game starts it is disabling the Sensor bar and therefore the Wii controller.

So ... the question is... How the hack can you play a Game Cube Game on Wii if the Wii Controllers are disabled when a Game Cube game starts?

Do I have to have a Original Came Cube Controller?:crazy:

Thanks for your feedback

You can only play Gamecube games with a Gamecube controller whatever the guys at Wal-Mart told you is utter crap. You use the classic controller for VC games aswell as a select few Wii Games ( I can only think of two)

Hope that helps
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Perfect thanks for the response. I have confirmed this.. Damb Wal-Mart ;). I have to do my own research befor I buy anything next time.
what two wii games can you use the classic controller for?
Not the First time this happen..either the guys at Walmart just want to rip you off, or they're Noobs.

@krisv2010 DBZ BT 2 is one of them..and its the only one i know
krisv2010 said:
what two wii games can you use the classic controller for?

Mortal Kombat can be played with classic controller or Gamecube controller. SSBB will be the same way. Not sure about others.
That sales clerk doesn't know much then. You should report this to the store, so that employee can be fired, or something done, so no one else is effected by this.
You can use a classic controller on Bust a Move Bash when you're playing a lot of people.It can be an 8 player game if you have friends.
Do you really think that Wal-Mart will fire someone for that?

When I got mine back in January, the guy at Circuit City told me the same thing. Pissed me off. Since then, I've come across many many people that have had the same thing happen to them. It's going to be ok.

Btw, I would reccomend buying a Wavebird... no rumble but keep it wireless.
You can probably return the classic controller since the sales clerk misinformed you about the product being sold. It's like telling someone that original gameboy games work on the DS, when they clearly don't. o might as well keep it to play VC games, but rule of thumb, take their words with a grain of salt.

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