Play ANY media file on Wii

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The U.S. Version worked for you? R u using win2000 or xp?
I'm using xp with all the updates installed, and it won't install. Haven't tried the u.k. Version yet, but I will tonight.
Wildside said:
well the Opera Web browser on Wii is just a trial version, just wait for the full version in March, we all get to do more stuff that we cant do now *coughflashplayer9cough*.
Actually, we may not ever get Flash 9.
Opera said:
It seems that Flash 7 is the latest version available for licensing from Adobe. This means no Flash 9 for platforms not directly supported by Adobe.

Basically, in this case one has to rely on a closed implementation from a single vendor rather than an open standard. That vendor has chosen to prioritize things in a certain way.

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