Piracy Next Gen

I know a shop where i can get gc style discs
Darkprinny said:
I know a shop where i can get gc style discs
Not sure, but I think you still need a method to play them, even once you've gone through the hassle though. Although it's possible. Maybe Mini-DVD-R's can be played on Gamecubes, but only if you chip them/get some other method of playing them, and even then, you'll still have to download the .ISO's using the Phantasy Star Online method. Meh, I don't really consider that easy to do, compared to PS2 (not that I've successfully done that - I refuse to damage my PS2 trying to play back-ups).

...Still, with the option to create official games that you can download using the virtual console, I don't think it's gonna be too bad - Why make homebrew, when you can just as easily make commercial ones. I'm just not sure how they will prevent the Wii being Chipped/Modded/unable to play backups (or even stop people from creating backups) etc... Especially with the Wi-fi there.
nintendo lover said:
I have never seen a store where they sell game cube disks or pirated gamecube disks.
No, but they do sell mini-DVD disks. Has only around the size of 1.3GB (or something like that), and is 8-cm which is the exact same size as Gamecube disks.

It doesn't happen much at all, and there's virtually no loss of sales for Nintendo from it. I think it's only for people who want to mod every console so thatit can play bootleg stuff (there are people around like that, but I don't think the hardware lasts long at all).
Look, here at my country (Colombia)
is a 3rd world country... so people are very poor
they cant buy the games, so if u want to buy a PS2 game
you should pay $60 dollars for it.. if u want a piracy PS2 game
u have to pay just less than $4 dollars... I have to admit
I really like piracy, but in some cases, where here for a
nintendo DS game cost $75 (mario and luigi partners in time)
and a GCN game cost $60 dollars (super smash bros)
a DS Lite cost $260 dollars
so I think in countrys where it is soooooo much expensive
a game its normal piracy comes out (thats why Im buying the wii in the usa)
here I bet the wii at least will cost $400 dollars cause a XBOX 360 cost $500-550 dollars.
So piracy in some cases is good, in others is BAD so really if I buy my wii, I will put it a chip for piracy if it can have, cause I cant pay all that
money cause Im not rich... well this is the most larger post Ive ever made and thanx for reading :)
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Ive seen thoes empty gamecube discs in australia, u can buy theem but no one has been screwed modding the gamecube so there is no point really. And for the virus and stuff from online, i doubt that u will be able to contracept any viruses from the wiiconnect 24 and to answer some previous question, i dont think u can turn your wiiconnect24 connection off. We will all find out when the wii is actually released
nintendo lover said:
I have never seen one nintendo game that have been a victim of piracy
people pirated gamcube games. it didnt require anything illegal to do it eather. all you needed was the high speed internet adapter, PSO, and something else (i think an action replay) and you did something and you could stream the games to your gamecube. also with the gamcube modchip, you had to eather mod your case or buy a 3rd party case for your gamecube so it would read regualr size DVDs.

also about the key thing on the DVDs, sony did that with the PS2 but people found a way to hack that too. as ive said, pirates will always be able to find a way to pirate stuff. if it was created by humans, it can be hacked by humans.
nintendo lover said:
Yeah, I bought a emulator, it was really cheap so I could play ps games on pc but the problem was that it could not save the games so i sold the emulators and the games I have.
u can download perfectly good emulators, for free.
m7ticalm said:
yeah, piracy sucks if u are dedicated to buying a console u should atleast support it by buying the game and i dont think piracy will work cause i reckon that for the wii, every disc will have its own unique key, so if it is duplicated, 2 games can not be run by 2 different wii's in the world. Thats my theory, it would be pretty good if they did that cause it would be easy aswel cause of the wiiconnect 24.

but you burn ps2 games from video shops and sell games for $5 each? What are you on about you burn and copy games all the time! you liar!