Petition to get Nintendo to release the New Super Mario Brothers 2 (wii u), for wii


WiiChat Member
Sep 10, 2012
I want to start a petition to get Nintendo to release the New Super Mario Brothers 2 coming out on Wii U, to be released for the Wii platform as well.

Not only do I not want to buy a new platform, but I'm not crazy about the new Wii U.

Heres my signature.. Please add yours and show them we want their game release to cross Wii platforms..
Nah, they wont do it as they need a reason for people to buy one
NSMBWiiU isn't also a Wii release? ... ... ... That's bloody stupid. It'd probably be almost as easy to put it on the Wii as transferring Twilight Princess to the Wii.

There's certainly no way a petition would get their attention though. Nothin' would over this small of a matter.
I vote yes to making it a regular Wii game, although as Karp stated, it won't do any good.

Heck, I'd like to see pacman on Wii U! HA
It will be on there,

Pacman vs would be great for it as its a Gamecube game I get requests for at Gamesnights

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