Person above you died?

How Karp Died:
All of a sudden, the sky went dark as the sun slowly faded. Not a star in the sky nor the moon were visible anymore. The entire planet Earth decended into a bleak, vast nothingness. A chilly wind began to blow, causing eerie chills down the Karp's spine. Alone he was, last of his kind, shivering in the dark, damp realm of nothingness. He was afraid, as he knew his time had come. Weakly, he crouched down to the cold, hard ground, clasping his hands and arms about his knees in a feeble, fetile position, shivering as he wept. Tears of agony and sorrow rippled their way down his frail, sulken face, which at this point, had become too wretchedly twisted and mangled from lacerations to make an utterance. His hands, heavy with fatigue, bloodied and raw, nervously tremorred, as the fear of what was about to befall him weighed upon him like a thousand years of solitude. This was it. His time had come. Death in its most absolute was upon him at last, and there was nothing in all the realms of time and space that could cause him to elude his fate at the merciless hands of his most fearsome enemy.

From out of the darkness, the Karp heard a faint tapping sound in the distance. Stuggling with every straining fiber of his being, the Karp painfully leaned forward, intent on gauging the sound. Tap, tap, tap, tap... The sound slowly got louder and louder by the minute. All the while the Karp could feel his heart pounding harder and harder in his chest. Thud, thud, thud, thud. So ominous was this approaching sound that the Karp began to break into a cold sweat, beading profusely down his back. Thud, thud, thud. The sound had now become a terrifying, ground-shaking, experience. Paralyzed in fear, the Karp could only tighten his grasp around his now white, blood-drained limbs, and await the appearance of the one who was approaching...

Slowly and methodically, a vague shadowy silhouette began to emerge from the distant darkness in front of him. He knew that his time was up and that his end was nigh. A few seconds later, all of the Karp's worst and most horrid fears were confirmed; the horrific visage of his most awesome enemy had appeared before him, and he was too much a shattered and sickly wretch of a man to prevent this future. The figure, now but a few steps in front of him, towered over the Karp's frail, broken frame. A goliath of a man, the figure unsheathed a behemoth broadsword from behind him. The sword, whose edges were already mangled and marred from the deaths of those that had gone before, reflected the Karp's image, allowing the Karp to see his broken and beaten face one last time before the end. Slowly raising the blade above his head, the shadowy figure took one slow, full breath. The Karp, knowing his final moment was at hand, looked slowly and feebly up at the figure with dry and bloodshot eyes. "" At that moment, the sword fell heavy and dull upon the Karp's bloodied skull, splitting the tissues that had long separated his eyes from one another. The Karp's body, in a last fit of shock, shuttered and fell to the ground lifeless. Blood, thick and crimson, seeped from every open wound and orifice of the now dead Karp's body. The shadowy figure, content with his latest complete decimation, smirked in angst at how easily the Karp had been obliterated. Never again will the Karp rise to see another day. The chef, after turning the lights back on, sheathed his knife, and then promptly served the order to the guests seated in front of him at the sushi bar...
MR's Fraz hurt itself in confusion! MR's Fraz died!

The chef, after turning the lights back on, sheathed his knife, and then promptly served the order to the guests seated in front of him at the sushi bar...

To hell with the joke of defendin' the almighty 'Karp, I lol'd so ****in' hard. Congratulations Tampa, you have what is the most detailed death in the entire thread (... probably). Way to make somethin' entertaining outta your boredom.
It was my pleasure to provide your displeasure that gave you pleasure, my leige...

...and then Karp died for again for making another comment to the "dark and ominous shadowy figure" :)
Karp dies from being stuck in Tampa's throat too long. They both pass away together, content to have mutually ended each others existence.
Tampa's business trip was actually a set up by a rival company of the one he works for. Hitmen dressed like fancy stiffs from Hollywood gun 'em down in a sudden drive by, leaving 'em riddled full'a holes, left for dead.
Tampa's body is shipped back from his business trip in a coffin. Not content until having seen his enemy's dead corpse, the Karp pries up the nails from the coffin one by one with the claw on the back of his ban hammer, and lifts the coffin's lid. To his amazement, nothing is inside. The coffin is empty. All of a sudden, Tampa runs up behind Karp, taking him by surprise. He deftly steals the ban hammer and knocks Karp out cold over the head with it. After stuffing the Karp's unconscious body into the coffin and renailing it closed, Tampa laughs. "Hehe...thought you could set me up with the old 'phony business trip' routine eh? I'll show you!" Tampa then takes the coffin out to the middle of a road, douses it with gasoline, and lights it on fire. Karp, trapped and helpless in the wooden coffin burning to death cries out in a last fit of panic, "I don't like to be blackened..." Then a big truck comes and runs over the last remains of the Karp in his burning coffin.
Living in a state surrounded by water, it was only a matter of time until the legion of 'Karp would have their vengeance. Seven days after the incident, as midnight struck, a single Magikarp floundered from a pier. A single bound n' leap, and it was off. Into the ionosphere the fish would leap, just as quickly descending down into Tampa like a (draco) meteor. With the fury of a thousand nukes, SPLASH! The entirety of Florida exploded under the might of the 'Karp. Not only was Tampa eviscerated without mercy, but this was a message to all who would defy their fishy rulers...

"Obey, or be splashed."
Unfortunately, in their haste to destroy Tampa, the Karp made one fatal error. The Florida governor, Rick Scott was destroyed along with the rest of the state, and was unable to sign his new "coastal waters environmental protection act" into law before passing away. Hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil and toxic sludge began to re-emerge from the "BP Deepwater Horizon" oil hole at the bottom of the ocean, which in turn killed all fish from the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic. The karp perished from their own doing and greed.
Tampa committed seppuku after disgracefully losing to a bunch of level 5 scrubs, proving that he instead is the true n00b.

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