People Who think redsteel pwn Zelda TP!

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Abanoub did u beat red steel yet? does it get better after the beggining? and how many guns r their in total?
Vorhaku said:
It mean to power own.

And I do think Red Steel PWNS Zelda TP. When I played it i got confused on the first level and after an hour and a half I dropped the wiimote an nunchuk and said "fu#k it"

Well sorry, but Zelda is a great game, and if you played previous ones you know that they can be challenging. As for power own, thats just dumb.
:lol: u dont have the mind power to play zelda.....:lol:

shooters are to easy to beat :lol:
bonodo said:
NO its a good place to post crap, like this
Sorry but you must not understand, hes all ready created other threads like this, this is like the third one...let it die
ill agree ill sign the list zelda tp blows red steel pwns
i just realized that "pwns" means "poo owns" which means that a) only fags say "pwns" and 2) red steel is **** compared to Zelda. Red steel is good, no doubt, but Zelda is by far the best game on the Wii so far. If u dont agree with that ur either a simpleton or u just like to argue for the sake of arguing.
WolfpacSnakepit, saying that if Zelda isn't the best game you are a simpleton? Well if you have a look you have some pretty crap games yourself there and nothing will compete against Zelda. Wii play,Wii Sports just something to get you use to the controls. Marvel UA ,please it's awfu and the less said about Rampage total destruction the better! The only other decent game there is Excite truck and that's only good in multiplayer as the normal game is too short. Didn't TMNT get something like 48%. Seriously try a few more games like Mario Strikers, Call of Duty 3 and Resident Evil 4.

However I presume you've played Red Steel and you are right Zelda is better than Red Steel hands down! But in my collection I'd rate it at number 5.
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lol u noobs if u played ne online game u wud no wut pwn means and u wud be called a noob if u used the newbie word "own"...

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