PC games ported to Wii?

ElronMac said:
Quake 3 would be enough for me, in my opinion that is the be all and end all of FPS shooters, the only other thing that would be cool is Unreal Tournament, the first one.

If nothing else the Wii really needs a game with a BFG!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep quake pretty much is FPS crack if you ever get good on it. On the Wii it would be BANNED as a real illegal drug! Seriously If they ever make a pro wimote it should come with this game and of course doom1-2 and duke nukem!...LOL Oh yeah system shock would be sweet also.
Dav_4550 said:
Star Craft...

I know the N64 already got it, but I want an updated version so I can you the wii remote's capabilities, point and select, instead of the weird system they had before (I remember not liking compared to the PC version).


That would be the day I'd never need to buy another Wii game, assuming it has online. I easily spent 100's upon 100's of hours playing that game online. Man, was that game one heck of an addiction. Can anyone say that about a console game?

Both Blizzard and Nintendo would seriously cash in on this game. People are still playing it on the PC, and how long ago was it released...10...12 years ago?

I don't even care if it's a direct port as long as it has good controls and a good online. Although, it'd REALLY need voice chat or some awesome quick chat system.

While they're at it, port over Warcraft II s well. But not WC3...that game sucked.

And +100000000 to Syndicate (but not Syndicate Wars) and Sam and Max. Actually, I thought I heard something about Sam and Max being in the works.

And how can we forget:


With both Counterstrike and Starcraft on the Wii, my life as it is would end completely. I've invested more time in those two games online than I have reading...in my entire life. Very sick, I know. We're talking thousands of hours here.

Oh, and to those who recommended the old point and click games, you NEED to check this website out. They have TONS of original, user-created old school point and click adventures. Many are just absolutely fantastic. Seriously.

I've downloaded a whole bunch, but have only played through "5 Days a Stranger" and "Trilby's Notes", both of which are FANTASTIC and actually quite scary.

Also, there is a "remake" of Maniac Mansion.

Use the menu on the left to navigate.

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